Modern History
Mrs. Mason
April 11, 2008 JOE McCARTHY
From 1950 to 1954, Senator Joseph McCarthy was one of the most heard of and talked about figures in a time of many important political happenings. He was held in a complete and immortal infamy for creating a terrible “Red Scare” and smearing numerous innocent victims. McCarthy was branded so completely a demagogue, a bully, and a liar, so that even more than 50 years later his name remains fully associated with witch-hunts. However, this image can now, by way of new resources and extensive researching of the truth, be fully debunked. Joe McCarthy affected history as a pioneer in the fight against communism. He started the battle, laying the groundwork for other specific individuals to continue that same fight for America. McCarthy did not just affect history, he affected it in a way both valiant and patriotic, and it can now be seen that despite the wrongs done to his name, he was an inspiration. The attacks on McCarthy by his enemies eventually tore him down but not before he had badly stigmatized the evil of communism, and his victory was to survive him (Coulter 71). Joseph Raymond McCarthy was born on a farm in Appleton, Wisconsin, as the fifth child of a devout Roman Catholic family of seven children. His family lived on and owned a farm; and while they could not be called “well off,” they always had enough. Instead of attending high school at age fourteen, he started his own poultry farm on his father's land. This went well but the winter of 1928 brought illness and severe weather, ending the venture. He then got jobs managing grocery stores, where his friendly manner and strong work ethic made him a locally prominent and successful figure. (Evans 28) What everyone who knew McCarthy in this early stage of his life recalls, in general, was his cheerful personality. The young McCarthy was gregarious and good-natured, and was well-liked by just about everyone who knew