1. Locke claimed that men are naturally free and equal as part of the justification his view on political government. the result? " A social contract where people in the state of nature can conditionally transfer some of their rights to the government, this is in order to better ensure the stable, enjoyment of their lives, liberty, and right to own property."(Schmidt…
Equality is ensuring that all individuals or groups of people are treated fairly and no less favourably than others, but it does not mean that everyone is to be treated exactly the same. Equality is all about treating people in a way that is appropriate for their needs; for example if a woman in a wheelchair wanted to get on a plane it would be no use saying “I am treating you equally to the other passengers, here are the stairs.” What is needed in that situation is a way for her to board the plane without embarrassing her or treating her in a worse way than the other passengers, this is equality.…
Equality means treating people in a way that is appropriate for their needs and treating them fairly.…
In Second Treatise, Locke states that the world is given “to mankind in common” by God, yet his argument is for the right of private property with the justifications of: the property must be designated for the property to be useful, those who labor for the property own it through their labor, and any man can take as much property as he wants as long as the property is used and not spoiled.…
Locke believes that before we form civil society by consenting to establish government, we live in a State of Nature. He describes this pre-political state as,...a state of perfect freedom to order their actions, and dispose of their possessions and persons, as they think fit, within the bounds of the law of nature, without asking leave, or depending on the will of any other man. (Locke, 1980, p.81)The State of Nature is ruled essentially by human nature. Liberty, equality, self preservation, reason, and property are the most prominent principles that Locke feels are innate to humans. Locke explains how nature intended for all men to be equal,...creatures of the same species and rank, promiscuously born to all the same advantages of nature, and the use of the same facilities should be equal amongst another... (Locke, 1980, p.8)Locke comes to the conclusion that humans are self preserving in the State of…
Equality: Equality defined basically means equal rights for people regardless of what factors they might have that are different. Equality states that because they are human they must be equal.…
Equality is a state of being equal in terms of value, quantity or quality. It is about uniformity. It is also about ensuring that people are treated fairly and given fair chances. Equality is not about treating everyone in exactly the same way, it is about recognising and valuing individual needs and seeking to meet them in different…
Equality is a way of treating everybody in an appropriate way that suits their needs without showing them up and treating them worse than another. People are given equal opportunities which gives them access to the same rights, choices, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or cultural background.…
Locke presents several key ideas in his Treatise; his notions on the origins of property, usurpations, tyranny, and the dissolution of government provide the key arguments for this work. The chronologically first, Of Property, discusses Locke’s theories on the origins of property. He claims that in nature, what makes something the property of one man as opposed to all mankind is the labor he puts into it. He has right to all he can use without letting withered, and should he chose; he may barter what is left for something that will not perish. Locke believes this to be the origin of money.…
* Equality – is about quality of being the same in quantity, measure and a state of being essentially equal. Individuals are to be treated the same.…
Equality is when each individual needs to be treated the same as everyone else. It is important that each individual has equal opportunities. Each individual has equal rights.…
Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are treated fairly and equally and no less favourably, specific to their needs, including areas of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age.…
Equality means that we are all treated fairly we all have the same support and we all have Equal rights.…
Equality as defined in the Oxford dictionary is “the state of being equal, especially in status, rights or opportunities” this is in regards to “creating fairer society”. This can be done by identifying patterns of race, disability,…
In this section of Locke’s Treatise, he begins to delve into the reasons for man joining a political society, or government. From the outset, Locke maintains that a government can only be properly established via consent (52). Building upon this, though, Locke begins to posit the reasons why man would give up certain liberties of his natural state. He says this succinctly in the following way: “The great and chief end, therefore, of men’s uniting into common-wealths, and putting themselves under government, is the preservation of their property” (66). This property, includes the “preservation of lives, liberties and estates” (66). In other words, man enters into a political system in order to preserve that which he cannot in his own state…