The program aims to uplift the quality of education in the Philippines in order for graduates to be easily employed. The program also aims to meet the standards required for professionals whowould want to work abroad.Most importantly, the system aims to fully enhance and develop the students in order for them tobe well-prepared especially in emotional and cognitive aspects. Through this, graduates will beable to face the pressures of their future workplace.There may be a lot of factors to consider for the K+12 Education to succeed. But as long as weopen our minds to change and we will take it on a positive way, we will definitely attain our most-aspired educational standards which will play a great role in our country’s development and willtherefore, uplift us from poverty.Batas Pambansa blg.232 or the education act of 1986 defines elementary education as the firststage of compulsory, formal education and usually corresponding to six or seven grades,including preschool. To achieve universal primary education, and objectives of education for all(EFA) the inclusion of preschool, currently known as kindergarten in the basic education cycle,making it free and compulsory is presently being considered at the policy level. Kindergarteneducation or the K+12 will prepare 5 year old children physically, socially, emotionally, andmentally for formal schooling.K+12 will increase the children chance of surviving and completingformal schooling, reducing dropouts incidence and insuring better school performance. Theuniversal Kindergarten education will the readiness and foundationally skills of the children to beready for the primary grades. Possiible reasons for K-12 Basic Education Program: 1. It will provide time for the student to