In her article ‘Sick of impossible princesses, real girls fight back’, (The Age 19/01/2008), Jill Starks presents that the media does not present realistic images of woman in the media. In a discrediting tone she persuades the reader by firstly having a visual as well as anecdotes and real people’s experiences.…
Living in a society with a fierce hunger for capitalism generates an active promotion of companies' services and products which incites people to spend money on them. Advertisements and publicity have a strong influence on the companies’ marketing process, where creativity and innovation are the keys of attracting new customers, but the intrigue preserves on where should the limits for this advertisements be bounded in order for society not be exposed to things like violence through the media . In her essay, “ Two Ways A Women Can Get Hurt”, Jean Kilbourne - an award-winning author and educator who is best known for her works about media images effects on young people- emphasizes how violence ( specifically sexualized violence ) in our culture is present through the media, which she recognizes as a powerful mirror in which society is somehow shaped by. Kilbourne’s analysis suggests that erotism in advertising promotes pornography, which main goal , according to her, is to embraces the idea on people minds that women are objects used to fulfill men’s sexual desire ( Kilbourne 459). The use of the images in the essay serves as evidence to support the author’s message, where she invites the audience to interpret her arguments by applying appeals to reason while they visualize how inhuman and violent some advertisements are. In addition to her thesis, the author emphasizes that some advertisements foster the belief that women reward men with sex when they wear or buy their products ( Kilbourne 459 ). An equally significant aspect mentioned is that these advertisements produce a collateral damage that aims both genders, where individual ideas/actions coming from the images mentioned can be self-harming (Kilborne 467).…
The documentary Miss Representation shows the false representation of women through media. The media’s portrayal of what a powerful women is includes harmful and artificial substances to the body. It is important for all of us to learn the truth behind media because false stereotypes are created. We must value and respect human beings and not as objects. People must know that they can be powerful just by being themselves and not by trying to be someone else. The truth behind feminist anger can awaken our society and start a change in the world. Our everyday lives are effected by these false advertised women in television, magazines, music videos, etc. The film points out that influential women do not need to wear clothes that reveal their body…
Media depicts women in a subordinate role in relation to men. Media objectifies hyper-sexualized representations of women in order to appeal to the male viewer. Codes of Gender unveils methods used in photography to perpetuate the idea that females are dehumanized subordinate objectified figures. These codes or methods include various actions, poses, or positions female models are forced to perform. For example, the feminine touch, the bashful knee bend, the head tilt, poses lying down, etc. all of which subordinate the female figure in relation to men. Miss Representation gives a broader view into society’s representation of women within media. The film emphasizes the impossible ideal standard, the hyper-sexualization, the objectification, and scrutinization, women must undergo to achieve any type of success in our current society. Miss Representation focuses on the average viewer, whereas Codes of Gender appeals more to intellectual viewer. Although each film takes a different perspective, both address issues women face in society as represented and visualized through media. One thing is clear; media is directly linked to societal beliefs. In order for one to change, we must address and change the…
The media has allowed others to expect that all women must have a perfect body. Young girls are seeing these messages and trying to mold themselves into these bodies. After this assignment, I was able to reflect how the media’s portrayal affects women’s self-esteem. We strive for unreachable expectations that aren’t real. They cause harm to a young girl’s self-image. I was also able to realize that ads and popular songs objectify women in a disgusting manner. It is upsetting to realize how many young girls listen and see these types of ads and songs. It is horrible that so many people are actually taking these fake images into consideration and striving for that type of body. By watching these films and applying them to real life examples, it has allowed me to understand that these issues are greater than we…
Today’s cultural standards play a major role in how people see us, especially in young female teens. Two women, authors Pamela Abbott and Francesca Sapsford wrote, “Clothing the Young Female Body” and argue that the fashion industry and the media are imperative to how a young female chooses their clothes. Abbott and Sapsford Begin their argument by first giving reader’s examples of where young teens are influenced, they state that advertisements and media paint pictures in teens mind on how they should dress and look like. Throughout the article they provide readers quotes from experts and give us an even bigger insight on how teen females…
Mass media plays a great part in our lives. Television, newspapers, magazines surround us everywhere every day of our lives. All of them are stuck with different kinds of ads. But how often do we pay attention to the real sense of those ads and the ways the advertisers try to sell various products to us? We see dissoluteness and challenging behavior every day in life and we got so used to it in, at first sight, such small pieces of film, and apparently of our day routine, as advertisement, that we hardly notice the big picture. For over twenty years, Jean Kilbourne has been writing, lecturing, and making films about how advertising affects women and girls. In her essay, "The Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt': Advertising and Violence", Kilbourne looks very deep into the connection between abuse and ads. She develops a theory in which she emphasizes dehumanizing women in ads, and shows us what terrible things sometimes can be concealed behind a simple and funny ad, and what consequences it can lead to in the end. As for me, I strongly agree with Kilbourne, and I am convinced, that harmless at first sight, advertisements sometimes turn out to be damaging, violent and insulting, especially with regard to the weak, such as women.…
Harmful stereotypes placed upon women continue to thrive in the media we consume every day. There are many issues surrounding the media’s portrayal of women in regards to their exploitation and the harmful stereotypes which are becoming an increasing concern. The emphasis on women’s looks is often the focus within the media and the impact is often overlooked. The growth of media platforms in recent years has had an enormous impact on how women are represented in Australia’s society. The media does not only influence society but it also holds the current views held within it. Common stereotypes of. Advertising and marketing have created a new type of woman that does not exist in the real world. You may have seen her before, but if not these…
Girls as young as nine are roaming the internet finding pictures and videos of female living unrealistic lives and bodies. According to Polce, Barbara, etc. “Media's messages regarding what to wear, or more invasively, what to weigh and how to sculpt muscles, may relate to adolescent worries about physical appearance and self-evaluations. Additional empirical investigation of the association between contemporary media influences and self-esteem is needed, with attention given to age and gender patterns” (Polce-Lynch, Mary, Barbara J. Myers, Wendy Kliewer and Christopher Kilmartin. 2001) demonstrating that Media can affect young women in more ways than just one. It tells them to be up to date with all the latest styles, brands, and…
Women are constantly unrealistically portrayed; they are objectified and hyper sexualized in the media. The documentary features the difficulties women have to go through when their ideals are unobtainable and the pressure they feel when people want them to look a certain way. These images allow women to think that their body is the only voice they have, it’s the only tool to identify themselves and that this is their worth. Jean Kilbourne quoted beautifully, “Girls are being encouraged to achieve that ideal at younger and younger ages all the time. They end up measuring themselves against an impossible standard and feeling themselves wanting as a result of it.” Miss Representation showed ordinary high school students speaking about the issues they felt about the negative perceptions of women. We were able to understand the pain and pressure young women have to face everyday to conform to this ideology of beauty. It makes it difficult for teenagers because if they do not look…
In reality TV and media, most women are portrayed at this and to even more extremes. The effects it has on women, especially young girls, as they grow up and feel as if they have to look and act like the women in the media, is an obvious issue. “As we progress through school, these attitudes are reinforced by our classmates and peers” (PsychAlive). This further exaggerates the fact that young children are getting this stereotype in their mind. The reality TV show America’s Next Top Model is basically a competition to determine which woman is the prettiest to be the next ‘top model’. There really is not a more obvious stereotype out there. When young girls or even young adults are watching these shows and seeing all these women dressing up and acting the way they are, they feel less of themselves when they are not the same. It is not only offensive to all the women that are not models, it is unfair that women tend to compare themselves to the models. This causes a serious sadness in women when they believe their appearance is not enough. Yet, women are not the only gender affected by stereotypes. An unfair stereotype towards men are the fact that all men are supposed to be extremely muscular or fit. A majority of magazine covers “often contain images of what the media defines as masculine” (“Unexpected Social Pressures”). Men reading these magazines have the same effect as women…
The first major or/One of the most important differences men and women run into in terms of body image is the disturbing pressure from social media networks on how they perceive an attractive body. The author contends, girls have become victimized by society’s hyper sexualization and are exposed to the idea that their value as female is closely related to their sexuality. (Heldman 65). In contrast advertising companies highly influence women over men because women spend more time obsessing over their physical attributes. Moreover the media exposes women as a sex character, which impairs their judgment towards their body image. For example author contends “it’s because U.S. residents are now being exposed to 3,000 to 5,000 advertisements a day- as many per year as those living a half a century ago would have seen in a lifetime” (Heldman 64). Also everyday men and women and bombarded with unrealistic images from media outlets that influence the human race to acquire unattainable bodies. In contrast men are not as influenced from television advertisements even though they spend more time watching television.…
Throughout today’s society, media contributes to almost everyone’s daily life. From informative news channels to comical television shows, media proves to be effective in advertisement, releasing messages and informing the audience. Although media proves to be wildly effective in advertising, releasing messages and informing the audience, periodically destructive and misleading messages are provided to the audience and directly influencing women. Cultural critics widely agree that media tends to negatively influence women and all the critics point to research which supports the belief that women are portrayed as subordinate to men, having no self control and having little self confidence in themselves. In addition, the media often identifies women as an object.…
5. Blesing, Jo. "Image Shift." Image Shift. Jo Blesing, 1 Jan. 2011. Web. 2 Dec. 2014. <>.…
A central debate within third-wave feminism, starting in the 1990s to date, is concerned with the existence of post-feminism. There are more and more products of the media that seem to emphasize the idea that feminism is no longer necessary because society has changed and women have achieved equality. However, academic feminists, for example, Kristyn Gorton (2007) or Angela Mcrobbie (2009) mostly reject this assumption and in the course of developing their ideas, they use and analyze the very products of the media.…