Module 5 - Part 1 Finding Scriptures: Knowledge and Purpose Worksheet
For Part 1 of this assignment, you will complete this worksheet by finding the Scriptures listed below. Watch the "Suffering and Death" video located at
Please keep your answers brief. Solid academic writing is expected. Refer to the GCU Academic Writing Guidelines in the Student Success Center.
Give a brief summary after each passage listed below.
2 Timothy 3:14-17 – Telling us how we need to remain faithful and follow the word of God.
2 Peter 1:21 – telling how the prophets spoke.
Hebrews 1:1 – God spoke to our ancestors.
Psalm 19 – Gods word is what we should all listen too and obey
Write 2-3 sentences explaining how the four passages above might shape the Christian worldview:
These shape the Christians world view by encouraging them to listen to Gods word. It tells how people before us listened to God words and how Gods words will helo keep us faithful.
Give a brief summary after each passage listed below.
Genesis 37-50 – Tells stories of Joseph’s life and how he kept his faith in God and followed his beliefs.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-13 – Is telling you to enjoy the time you have and the things you have and don’t always wish for more, just be happy with what you have here and now.
Romans 8:28-39 – Is telling us that God will love is no matter who or what we are or what we do and do not have.
Write 2-3 sentences explaining how the three passages immediately above might shape the Christian worldview:
These passages shape the Christian worldview by showing them Gods love. The stories and passages tell of how God will always love them and will always be there for them. This gives them peace and confidence.
See Part 2 of this assignment on the next page. Part 2 - Journal on