The definition of skill or knowledge upgrading in Merriam-Webster dictionary is to advance to a job requiring a higher level of skill especially as part of a training program. In Learning and Development (L&D) the essence of knowledge and skills upgrading, is the attempt to improve current or future performance by increasing individual ability to perform through learning and aim to enhancing performance and productivity to bridge the gaps for growth. (Sadler-Smith, 2006)
Distinction and overlaps of L&D vs HRD
The concept of L&D in the field of management research and practice is concerned with how individuals acquire or create knowledge and skills which enable them to perform and grow in their role. Whereas in the context of Human Resource Development (HRD) there is no specific research finding to identify the scope and to define its but according to Nadler 1970, Davis and Mink 1990s, McLean 2001, or Stewart 1999 (referring to appendix) from the Learning and Development for Managers textbook, all of them deem HRD as a series and wide range activities that resultant in behavior change for positive impact as an outcome of development. It seems to be no consensus, despite the fact that numerous efforts made to explain their own perspective of HRD. As for Lee (2001), he contested that some writes refused to define HRD and could not be defined sufficiently.
However, Harbison and Myers (1964) being the first to define HRD definition as
“…the process of increasing the knowledge, the skills and the capacities of all the people in a society. In economic terms, it could be described as the accumulation of human capital and its effective investment in the development of an economy. In political terms, HRD prepares people for adult participation in the political process, particularly as citizens in a democracy. From the social and cultural points of view, the development of human resources helps people lead fuller and richer lives, less bound to
Bibliography: Davis, L. N. and Mink, O.G. 1992. Human resource development: an emerging profession – an emerging purpose, studies in Continuing Education, 14(2): 187-202 Harbison, F. and Myers, C. A. (1964) Education, manpower and economic growth: Strategies of human resource development. New York: McGraw-Hill Lee, M. (2004) A refusal to define HRD. In J. Woodall, M. Lee and J. Stewart (eds), New Frontiers in HRD. London: Routledge Nadler, L. 1970. Developing Human Resource. Houston, TX: Gulf. Merriam-Webster, Dictionary 2012 [Online] Available at: [, [Accessed 23 September 2012] McLean, G. N. and McLean, L. 2001. If we can’t define HRD in one country how can we define it in an international context? Human Resource Development International, 4(3):313-26 Sadler-Smith E. (2006) Learning and Development for Manager. Australia: Blackwell, pp.2-28 Stewart, J. 1999. Employee Development Practice. London: FT Pitman Publishing.