The Concrete Sequential individual needs and enjoys structured, quiet situations. He or she tends to prefer exact directions and likes to work with projects that are hands-on. This type of individual also needs a lot of guidance from the teacher, and is easily frustrated with abstract ideas and new approaches or change. This is a more traditional type thinker.
The Concrete Random individual is highly curious, loves to take risk, and prefers to brainstorm and answer open-ended questions. This typed individual is a more self-directed learner that is not excited about time limitations, or working in groups. Most would consider them “leaders not followers.”
If you are an Abstract Sequential learner then you are quiet the talker. It is hard for a conversation not to be monopolized by this individual. An abstract Sequential learner likes for his or her point to be hear. Debating is also another aspect of this learner’s type. Working together is not a fine point for this learner, who would really prefer to work alone. This is individual would rather read and listen to lectures than to do any hands on activities. They are known as the “physicists of the future.”
The learning style is known as