-any directories you do not create file systems for automatically become part of the root (/) filesystem. Linux temporarily stores programs and data on a swap partition when it doesn’t have enough RAM to hold all the information it is processing. you can use mkswap to make space and swapon to enable it.
-Fedora supports i386/i686, x86_64, and Mac Powerpc
-ls list the contents of a directory, ls –l gives a detailed list, ls –a shows hidden files
-cd changes a directory, su – takes you straight to your root , cd.. change to parent dir(up one level) cd~ or cd- change to home dir,
-pwd list what directory you are working in, who tells who is logged in
-mkdir creates a directory
-cp copies a file
-mv moves a file
-mv also renames a file
-cat displays the contents of a file, nano edits a file
-less ls more, displays a text file one screen at a time
-tail shows the last ten lines of a file, head displays the first ten
-grep searches for a string within a file
-chmod changes access permissions, [ugo+_rwx], chgrp change group the file belongs to
-absolute path starts with a slash and locates a file absolutely by tracing a path from root directory to the file, relative path starts from the working directory to a file, simplest relative path is a file name
-the > symbol redirects the output of a command to a file instead of the screen, < symbol redirects a commands input to come from the specified file instead of from the keyboard, redirect the directory listing to a file rather than screen= ls > dir.txt
-noclobber avoids overwriting a