It is commonly agreed upon that girls are among the most innocent things on this earth. They are delicate and sweet. They grow up to become loving mothers and wives. Girls were expected to be raised to become domestic, and to have worries that consisted solely of what dresses to wear, or what to make for dinner. Up until recent times, women were not even allowed to join the police or other armed forces. Women were thought to not be adequate fighters or have enough aggression. And if a woman did, then that was not at all proper. Certainly, a girl could not have acted the way the boys in the book did.
However, I feel that human behavior is only consistent with the society it can be observed in. If there are no societal constraints, all havoc will break lose. It is commonly thought that humans are selfish and will seek their own gains before considering the gains of others. This thought can be applicable to Lord of the Flies, and gives reason to why the children would let selfishness get the better of them. This is universally true, the Bible even has greed and avarice as a deadly sin. This indicates that females could have acted just as the boys did, considering the circumstances and surroundings.
To some extent, in every human being there are evil