Sephora is a brand of cosmetics chain stores under Louis Vuitton and Moet Hennessy Group. According to the milestone of Sephora (2013) in their official website, it launched its first U.S store in New York in 1998. The was launched in the next year. Concerning the mobile commerce, it launched the first ipad apps in 2011. In this project, the m-commerce of Sephora would be focused.
Discussing on the mobile commerce of Sephora, the opportunities and treats of would be identified. By comparing the mobile site and mobile applications (Apps) between Sephora and its competitors, who are Ulta and Nordstorm, the performance of Sephora would be concluded. By all means, the strength and weakness would be included as well.
By analyzing the above data, the recommendations would be made in the end of this project, in order to assist Sephora to maintain the development in this topic area, mobile commerce.
2. Market and competitor review
Introduce the market
Mobile commerce become another new way to conduct the business since the mobile device is now one of the essential needs of daily life. Turban.E (2012) defined the mobile commerce as the business activities that conducting over the wireless telecommunications network. In the m-commerce market, the company might make money through the application software, which commonly calls as Apps. Also, the apps would be another new platform for the business to communicate with the customers. Furthermore, the other business activities within m-commerce would be the mobile site. The mobile site is a new version of online website, which is such more user-friendly when the user visits the company site by using their mobile devices.
Identify the potential opportunities and treats
In the following, the opportunities and threat would be discussed, which is concerning on the external factors to obtain in an analysis. As a result, the positive and negative side