1 Introduction
1.1 Research problem
The amount of growing economic markets and the need for new investment possibilities constantly increased over the past years. Financial investors all over the world are seeking for new markets that provide good investment opportunities. Hence former third world countries as for example the BRICs or the Next Eleven are on the rise to become or already represent influencing world economies. In order to accomplish that the economic markets and especially the merger and acquisitions markets work efficiently, the structure of them is supposed to be well organised and safeguarded in order to attract more investors and allow a further growth. Very interesting regarding this theme is the economic development of South
Korea which was able to establish an exemplary business environment within just a few decades in comparison to other countries which had the same starting position years ago.
This term paper will depict how the Republic of South Korea managed and is managing its strong economic performance. The focus will be on the economic development of Korea until now and it will be examined how they achieved their current economic status. In order to estimate the Korean merger and acquisition possibilities the market will be investigated from different perspectives.
1.2 Way of investigation
In order to understand the current situation and the changes in the economic world performance of emerging markets, chapter 2 will provide a description of the “Next Eleven” concept. It will also focus on the case of South Korea and give an insight of the Korean economic development and its current performance.
Secondly, a definition of merger and acquisition and different transaction types are introduced in Chapter 3. In the subchapters special attention will be drawn to the Korean merger and acquisition market. A review will be provided and major incentives and obstacles in the market will be shown.
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