Syllabus – Spring 2013 – MW – 6:00-7:50 pm
F. Ibrahimi Nazarian
Bridge Hall 204C
Office Phone: (213) 740-3934
Office Hours: Monday &Wednesday 3:00-4:00 pm, or by appointment E-mail:
Making sound business decisions requires knowing the economic environment in which firms operate. It requires an understanding of key economic indicators, the relationship among economic variables, the mechanics of how the economy works as a whole, and the role of economic institutions. The topics we cover in this intermediate course in macroeconomics will help you understand how economies function, both in the national and international contexts. Economics is one of the foundations for other functional areas within business, such as Finance and Marketing, and understanding economic concepts will help you understand the issues involved in these more specialized fields.
We will focus on the fundamental issues of macroeconomics, such as long run growth, productivity, labor markets, wages, inequality, business cycles, inflation, money, interest rates, unemployment, monetary and fiscal policy, short run fluctuations of the economy, saving and investment in the open economy, exchange rate determination, financial crisis, global imbalances in the allocation of capital, and sovereign debt crises. We will use macroeconomic tools to analyze how government policy affects the economy, how various disturbances affect the economy, and how economic news affects interest rates, and asset prices. This course is a mixture of macroeconomic theory and real world applications. We will develop analytical models that stress the microeconomic underpinnings of aggregate outcome and we will apply these models to the recent experience of the US and other countries. At the end of this course, in addition to understanding the above issues at a conceptual level, you