The term “madrasah” has varied meanings. Generally, it is the term given in Arabic to any school, but it is also used to refer to specific types of schools. “Islamic values” is the universal moral values based on Islam.
The madrasah system or deenimadaris, religious education institutions focusing on religious Law, teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, classical logic, literature and the Quran, but there is no universally fixed course of study. The interpretation of these texts may also vary from one madrasah to another.
Early history of Madaris
Madrasah or deeni madaris have existed for centuries in the Islamic world, including in Pakistan. Madaris did not exist in the early beginnings of Islam. Their formation can probably be traced to the early Islamic custom of meeting in mosques to discuss religious issues. At this early stage, people seeking religious knowledge tended to gather around certain more knowledgeable Muslims. These informal teachers later became known as sheikhs; and these sheikhs began to hold regular religious education sessions called majalis sessions.
As an institution of learning, the madrasah is centuries old. One of the first established madrasas, called the Nizamiyah, was built in Baghdad during the eleventh century A.D. Offering food, lodging, and a free education, madrasas spread rapidly throughout the Muslim world.
Madaris in Pakistan The madrasa system in Pakistan is organized through five boards of varying ideologies and each kind has its own educational policy and curriculum.
According to BBC News, there are about 17,000 madrassas in Pakistan providing free religious education to children and a total of around 2 Million students are enrolled in these madrassas. The total number of madrassas varies in different reports which are mostly based on research done by using nonscientific tool. Also, there is a problem of unregistered madrassas as based on a report by the Criminal