How do enterprise systems help businesses achieve operational excellence?
Define an enterprise system and explain how enterprise software works.
Enterprise system is an integrated enterprise-wide information system that coordinates key internal processes of the firm. Enterprise software consists of a set of interdependent software modules that support basic internal business processes. Set of integrated modules for applications such as sales and distribution, financial accounting, investment management, materials management, production planning, plant maintenance, and human resources that allow data to be used by multiple functions and business processes.
The common central database collects data from and feeds the data into numerous applications that can support nearly all of an organization’s internal business activities. When new information is entered by one process, the information is made available immediately to other business processes. Organizations implementing enterprise software would have to adopt the business processes embedded in the software and, if necessary, change their business processes to conform to those in the software.
The software allows data to be used by multiple functions and business processes for precise organizational coordination and control. Organizations implementing this software would have to first select the functions of the system they wish to use and then map their business processes to the predefined business processes in the software. A particular firm would use configuration tables provided by the software to tailor a particular aspect of the system to the way it does business.
List Business processes that are supported by enterprise systems.
Financial and Accounting Processes, including general ledger, account payable, account receivable, fixed assets, cash management and forecasting, products-cost accounting, cost-center accounting, asset accounting, tax