For my AS Media coursework, I chose to use fashion as the genre of my magazine. To help with my pre-production, I had to perform my own qualitative and quantitative research into fashion magazines and find out what my target audience of 15-19 year old girls would want from it. I went on to create the preliminary products which included the front cover and contents page, and from these the main products which were the alternative front cover and double page spread. These were all produced using Photoshop.
I began by creating a questionnaire, as this is an effective way of finding out what my target audience will be looking for in a fashion magazine. I included 8 questions which asked some general questions into what the participant is interested in, and some into what they would like to see in a fashion magazine, to help me create my front cover and contents page. I gave 20 questionnaires out to other students aged 16-19 as this fits my target audience.
By analysing the results of the questionnaire, I found out a range of information to help my design my front cover. The participants chose £2.50 as the appropriate price and for the magazine to be produced monthly, which I will apply when creating the front cover. 80% of participants said they would be more likely to pick up the magazine if there was a celebrity on the cover. Therefore, I will ask a friend to pose as a celebrity to make it more appealing to my target audience. 50% of participants wanted to see interviews in the magazine and 30% wanted genre-specific features (in this case, it will be fashion, clothes etc.) which I will make sure to include in the contents page.
I formed a focus group with other AS Media students in my class. They were all females, ranged from the ages 16-17, and had an interest in fashion, making them representative of my target audience. I asked them if I should put just one image on the front cover, or add smaller ones around the page to show what’s