1. Introduction:
- The beginning of the story starts off with a short piece of poetry by Almeda Joynt Roth -The narrator is introduced as wanting to reconstruct Almeda's life, he/she introduces Almeda and her book of poetry "Offerings" to the reader
- The narrator provides a description of Almeda's appearance , and talks about the death of Almeda's family and her love of poetry
- The narrator describes how life was in the 19th century in Canada West (Ontario)
- The narrator then gives a list of some of Almeda's poem and speaks of what they may mean
- The narrator reveals he/she lives in the same area as Almeda
- The Vidette is introduced, which is the town newspaper, the narrator uses this to learn more about Almeda
- Pearl Street (poor community) is introduced, along with Queen Aggie a drunken women who is harassed by boys from Pearl St, much of the same way Almeda is later on
2. Rising Action:
- At this point the narrator has faded into the background and we feel as if Almeda is speaking to us
- Jarvis Poulter is introduced, the widower and a wealthy business man who lives two lots down from Almeda, he is the initial love interest of Almeda
- Jarvis and Almeda are seen talking, in the Vidette, this is mentioned in The Vidette, and rumors spread that they may be a couple - The narrator talks about how Almeda would like to marry Jarvis, but because of the time she must wait for him to indicate his interest
- The narrator introduces the doctor, who prescribes sedatives and nerve medicine to Almeda for her sleeplessness ( Almeda avoids the nerve medicine as it gives her vivid dreams)
- The doctor believes that if Almeda were to get married her problems would be over, despite the fact that nerve medicine is commonly given to married women
3. Climax:
- Almeda decides to make grape jelly one day, but falls asleep.. she wakes up when she hears a women being beaten and chased from Pearl Street, but soon renders back into