This lab exercise familiarized the student with the use of a microscope by observing and identifying various different slides under the microscope. The student practiced observing the given slides under the 10x, 40x, and 100x (oil immersion) objective lenses, which allowed for the identification of the different organism’s shapes and sizes.
The aim of this exercise is to equip the student with the knowledge and skill necessary for conducting microscopic observations. It is also intended to teach the student the various sizes and shapes of several different types of bacteria.
1. Focus the microscope on a slide containing the letter ‘e’. 2. Focus the microscope on 6 other prepared slides.
3. Focus the microscope on slides Bacteria spirillum, Bacteria coccus, and Bacteria bacillus.
4. Prepare a fresh yoghurt slide for viewing under the microscope, and then compare what you see to what you see on your prepared slide from the lab kit.
Data/Observations 1. The microscope was focused on the “e” slide and the slide was observed using the 10x objective lens as well as 40x objective lens.
2. The microscope was focused on the following 6 slides:
* Anabaena, w.m.
Under 10x magnification: several groupings of purple cells. A white/blank patch appeared in the center of each grouping, though in some, this patch also contained some purple.
Under 40x magnification: chains of purple cells.
Anabaena – under 10x magnification
* Amoeba proteus
Under 10x magnification: a pink, irregularly shaped organism with deeper and redder splotched nucleuses.
Under 40x magnification: aside from seeing the dark stained nucleuses of these irregular shaped organisms, other smaller organisms with deeply shaded internal structures are also seen.
Amoeba Proteus – under 10x magnification
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