June 10, 2014
PHI 2010
Module 3: Chapter 13 & 15.
1. Explain and evaluate the notions of Karma, samsara, and Nirvana. - Karma, samsara and nirvana fall under the religion of Hinduism. When all of our actions bring consequences, either in this life or the next is referred as karma. Samsara means the cycle of birth and death. Us humans are basically good, but are caught up in a cycle of pure desire and also of suffering that is a direct result of ignorance and of the go. Nirvana is another word to describe the permanent liberation from life. It is a liberation from the cycle of samsara, in which we cease to exist and become one with the universe.
2. Explain and evaluate the Hindu ideas of Brahman, atman and reality. - Hinduism is a term that refers to the collet of faith that originated in India. The main elements of Hinduism are polytheism, karma ad reincarnation. Along with those, Brahman is considered to be the ultimate reality or principle and source and also the sustain of all the things, while atman is the inner self.
3. Explain the Buddha’s four noble truths. Is he correct in his view? - Buddhism’s four noble truths are; there is no suffering, suffering has a specific and identifiable cause, suffering can be ended and the way to end suffering is through enlighten living as expressed in the Eightfold Path. The most immediate causes of human suffering, according to Buddha, ignorance closes the door to enlighten and selfish craving which enslaves an individual to desire and passion.
4. Explain and evaluate the “Eight Fold Path”. Is this a reasonable philosophy for life? - The Eight Fold Path was a way or practice recommended in Buddhism for proper living. It consisted in right view, right aim, right speech, right action, right living, right effort, right mindfulness and right contemplation. The first two have to do with the initial mental outlook of the individual. The next four is