2.) With the death of Abu Said Bahatur Khan in 1335, the Mongol rule in Persia fell into political anarchy. As a result of unstable control and the Black Death, the Mongol dynasty collapsed. Mongols effected the development of Korea, Japan, and Vietnam by influencing them by their ways. One of the long-term effects was the change of the women. The rules and jobs of the women were being changed during this time.…
The nomads of central Asia during the thirteenth century returned to center stage in world history. The Mongols ended or interrupted the great postclassical empires while extending the world network of that era. Led by Chinggis Khan and his successors, they brought central Asia, China, Persia, Tibet, Iraq, Asia Minor, and southern Russia under their control. The states formed dominated most of Asia for one and a half centuries. The Mongol success was the most formidable nomadic challenge to the global dominance of the sedentary, civilized core civilizations since the first century C.E. The Mongols often are portrayed as barbarian, destructive…
The Mongols had an overall positive impact on the world because to the reason stated above. The Mongols created the largest empire in the world, because of that the trade in that area improved dramatically. Genghis Khan was able to accomplish this because of the organization of his…
great power. Two of which were China and Russia. In China, affected when the Mongols took…
The Mongols were fearsome and savage fighters, but had smart and loyal political leaders that gave their small population power. Some of the smartest and loyal leaders were in Persia and china both being at the top of political structures. However the Mongols in china had different beliefs of trusting the natives to have power in politics than the Mongols in Persia did. The political structures in both china and Persia promoted strong merchant trade helping the economy, which made them wealthy strong territories.…
The Mongols conquered and controlled most of Asia during the early civilizations. Unfortunately, the manner in which they acquired this land was ruthless and barbaric. The Mongols started out as simple nomads grazing the pastures. They lived in steppes and had to learn to survive the harsh temperatures there. The different tribes often got into disputes over land for their animals and fought very often. This made the Mongols tough mentally and physically.…
The Mongolian rule had a very direct impact and influence in China and Russia in terms of political and economical structure. Although the Mongols were not as evident in the Golden Horde region, they still impacted Russia just as much as they did in the Yuan district in China. In both China and Russia, the Mongols left their mark by placing high taxes on peasants, taking full control over trade through the Silk Road, and increasing international diplomacy through various methods, creating Pax Mongolica.…
In China, political impact from the Mongols came off much stricter than it did in Russia. The leader of the Mongolians, Kublai Khan guided the Mongols to conquer the Southern Song dynasty. Even though the Mongols had ruled territories, which included modern day northern China for many years,…
The Mongols were very good archers and knew how to shoot a bow and arrow very far. Since they knew how to shoot, they could kill their enemy very quickly and gain a lot of ground. The archers added a lot to their empire. When they needed to fight the archers would get it done. The Mongols were very agile and fearless, they could get places quickly and weren’t scared of anything.…
In the 13th century, the Mongols, a nomadic people of Altaic stock who first appear in Chinese texts of the 11th century, traveled all throughout Afro-Eurasia conquering other civilizations by using destructive forces to gain power in that region. Genghis Khan, a leader of the Mongols, made war against the Tangut Kingdom of Xi Xia in Northwestern China from 1206 until 1209. Khan’s plan of attack made the Tangut Kingdom of Xi Xia acknowledge his newly acquired position as leader of the Mongols. Later in 1211, he began the conquest of North China starting with the Jin Dynasty. His plan to make war against the Jin Dynasty was delayed due to his lack of advanced military tactics therefore he made the choice to pull back all of his forces. Years…
The Mongols controlled an enormous section of Eurasia during their period of influence, two of their largest conquests being China and Russia. Throughout the duration of their stay, they irrevocably affected the politics and economy of those regions.…
In spite of the fact that the Mongols are only perceived for their “barbaric” behaviors, they impacted the development of China. Because of their structured laws and leadership, citizens were obedient and united under Mongol rule. Economy during the Mongol Empire was thriving and they even spread that wealth to other cities and regions. Under the Mongols, 4,860,000 square miles of land was conquered, the largest conquest in the world. The Mongols may not have been liked by the Chinese, but their is no denial that their rule did not lead to many beneficial…
The Mongol empire was a large empire which was mainly started by Genghis Khan in 1206. This empire has expanded over many years and even continued its strength with following leaders or khanates. Some of the effects of Mongol expansion include increased violence and more secure trading and industry. Also, settled societies of Eurasia responded to this empire in accordance to their religion and trade. These effects of Mongol expansion along with the response of Eurasian societies make some of the other countries apprehensive about the Mongols because of their regulations and strictness.…
The Mongols were very intelligent in their warfare tactics which is what made them such notable villains of that time period. They were a very adaptable group of warriors as we can see that during their siege over Caffa. Even though they had never seen a castle with such a wall, they were quickly able to figure out a way to conquer. They also became very good at siege warfare by…
Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World is a systematic history of one the world's greatest leaders and empires. It abolishes misconceptions about the Mongol Empire and challenges Eurocentric ideas of history. It dispels the innate stereotype that Genghis Khan and the Mongols were bloodthirsty barbarians and show them in a new light as the truly innovative fighters and just, progressive leaders they were. Although he came from humble beginnings, the son of a kidnapped woman and raised in a yurt. Genghis Khan gained power…