Parts and functions of multi-tester
Digital multimeter Analog multimeter
1. Zero ohm adjuster- for analog multi-testers this part sets the indicator of the left scale to zero
2. Range Selector switch knob-this is a switch that is calibrated to select the proper range of the meter
3. Amperage terminal -plug in connection for red (positive) test lead for measuring amperes
4 +V.Ω.f terminal(positive )- terminal for positive test probe.It is used for most types of measurements.
5. -COM terminal (negative,N)- a terminal for the negative test probe
6. Home plate-Serves as the cover or panel for multi-tester
7. Indicator pointer- It deflects a certain point and use as a reference of where to read the measurement
8. Output socket- used for measuring special purpose such as high AC voltage,intensity of sounds in decibel,etc
9. Range Scale- it indicates the test function and scale option
10. Display for Digital multi meter(DMM) -it displays the measurement reading.Usually have a four digit display with a +/- indicator.
Preliminary setup before measurement
1. Before start measuring, make sure that the pointer stays at zero(0) position on the left end of the scale. If not,gently adjust the zero corrector with the use of screwdriver to set it to zero.
2.Select the proper range before measuring. Do not attempt to switch the range knob while measuring. Disconnect the test leads first before switching the range knob as it may damage your multimeter. in determining a measuring range,select a higher voltage than the value to be measured as well as where the pointer of the meter moves to considerable extent. however,select the maximum