Muscles of the Head: Facial Expression
bipartite muscle,
Epicranius:includes frontalis connected by galea
& occipitalis aponeurotica covers forehead, no bony attachments
galea aponeurotica
skin of eyebrows and root of raises eyebrows (as in surprise); nose wrinkles forehead skin horizontally
back of head
occipital and temporal bones galea aponeurotica
pulls scalp posteriorly
Corrugator supercilii
small muscle, activity assoc. w/ obicularis oculi arch of frontal bone above nasal bone
skin of eyebrow
draws eyebrows together and inferiorly;wrinkles skin of forehead vertically (as in frowning)
protects eyes from intense light and injury; blinking, squinting & draws eyebrows inferiorly
Obicularis oculi
sphincter muscle of the frontal and maxillary bones eyelid and ligaments around orbit tissue of eyelid
Zygomaticus: major & minor muscle pair extending diagonally from cheekbone to corner of mouth zygomatic bone
skin and muscle at corner of raises lateral corners of mouth mouth upward (smiling muscle)
inferior and leteral to zygomaticus skin at angle of mouth
lateral fascia assoc. w/masseter muscle
draws corner of lips laterally, tenses lips (synergist of zygomaticus)
Levator labii superioris
between obicularis oris zygomatic bone and opens lips; raises and furrows upper and inferior eye margin infraorbital margin of maxilla skin and muscle of upper lip lip
Depressor labii inferioris
running from mandible body of mandible lateral to to lower lip its midline
draws lower lip inferiorly (as in a skin and muscle of lower lip pout)
Depressor anguli oris
lateral to depressor labii inferioris
body of mandible below incisors skin and muscle at angle of mouth below insertion of zygomaticus Obicularis oris
multi-layered muscle, most fibers run