N.T. Wright: Surprised by Hope
Part I: Setting the Scene
In his book, Surprised by Hope, N.T Wright is trying to explain life after death from a Christian perspective. Wright starts the book by clearly stating what he will be discussing. He states that: "This book addresses two questions that have often been dealt with entirely separately but that, I passionately believe, belong tightly together. First, what is the ultimate Christian hope? Second, what hope is there for change, rescue, transformation, new possibilities within the world in the present?” He sets the stage for the book, explaining how Modern Christians do not believe in the resurrection and that they tend to think that heaven and earth are two completely different realms. Wright explains that most views about life after death are based on popular beliefs rather than the Scriptures. Christians believe that once they die they will either go to heaven or hell. To Wright, life after death is not about going to another dimension called heaven; it is about resurrection and re-creation of this world. Just like Jesus has been resurrected so will his people. In chapter three Wright begins with a story that events may occur but the real facts may be lost even the smartest and wisest people who physically experienced the event. What Wright is saying is that “the issue is not whether the Bible is true or not. The issue is not whether miracles occur or not. The issue is not whether we believe in something called the supernatural or not. The issue is not whether Jesus is alive today” it is about what really happened with Jesus and his resurrection. The most interesting point that I found in chapter three is that did not believe in life after death. Nor did they really discussed death or Heaven. The Jewish people of the time of Jesus were surprised when Jesus, the Messiah come, died and was resurrected, and then will be coming back in the future to resurrect everyone else.