How far was peaceful protest responsible for the successes of the civil rights movement in the years 1955 - 1964?…
If you were to study the changing meaning of virginity over the last century in our society, you would discover that the norm stating that people remain virgins until marriage:…
Wonderstruck is visually appealing as well as emotionally inviting. Middle school students, especially those who read graphic novels, will fall in love with this book. Rose’s story, told only through black-and-white illustrations, keeps the reader actively involved since the gaps must be filled in while the story unfolds. On the other hand, Ben’s story is told through words and keeps the reader wondering how the two stories intertwine. With themes such as longing to find acceptance, living with a disability, and dealing with the “loss” of a parent, today’s middle school student can easily relate to the same struggles as our two characters.…
In the Brave New World people openly have sex with news partners every week, every day or multiple times a day. In the Brave New World the more sex you have the higher people view you. Our society had been evolving to something more and more like this society. A few decades ago we where a lot more closed off in sex. It was something that lots of people thought was for marriage. People use to not live together until they are married. In a recent study it showed that now only 3 percent of people in the united states waite to have sex until marriage (waiting til marriage). Another study showed that “70 percent of married women have cheated on their partners; a 1993 follow-up study found that 72 percent of married men have as well according to” (American Physiological association). The numbers from the cheating study have slightly gone up as the years go on. We are like the Brave New World as in sex is becoming more and more casual. For lots of people it is no longer for the life long one person, instead they have sex with a number of people just like in Brave New…
Using principles in critical thinking when it comes to sexual decision is very important. I grew up in a house hold where my parents had only been with each other, and they have been together since they were 13 years of age. Growing up this is what I always went by. You have to use critical thinking when it comes to these types of decisions because you do not know want to make a choice that will haunt you for the rest of your life, you want to have a clear mind about it looking back and knowing you did not make a mistake. When I met my husband, there were a lot of things we talked about before we had sex, the history of our past, the precautions we were going to take and what would happen next. I want to know that if we were going to be getting intimate with each other I wanted it to last, because we was not married. Using critical thinking and these steps that people use may seems little ridiculous to a lot of people, but there are so many diseases, such as STDs and so many things that sex links to. I think that if you are using critical thinking then you will not make any type of mistake when it comes to sex. In these days and time they do not think about what they are doing and that is why so many young people have STD, AIDS and/or are pregnant. I believe that children should be raised to use their critical thinking when it comes to a life changing event, such as sex. It is something that could change your life completely, more then what anyone else thinks. You want to know that you are making the right decisions when you about thinking about having sex for the first time, or even having sex with a new…
When people get ideas into their heads about who is popular and higher in social standing depending upon something they do or have, if enough people have the same idea soon enough everyone else starts to believe the idea and it takes flight like the geese in winter. Thoreau talks about fashion and one of his quotes roughly says that if some one person with high standing starts a trend soon after everyone else follows along. I agree that this happens a lot, but I feel that not every one has to feel like they need to do certain specific things to fit and that it's ok to be themselves and do what they want, and not because some one told them they have to in order to be or get what they…
It was a terrible thing if women had sex before marriage but it was okay if men did because they can’t control themselves.…
Over time, the development of civilization, the advent of Christianity, much has changed. According to generally accepted standards of intimate relationships are recognized solely between spouses, of course sexes. According to a particularly strict religious laws in general intercourse is permitted only for the purpose of conceiving children, and while it is still sinful. Even in this age of progressive interest in sex is not always is welcomed, and savvy in this issue people are considered loose.…
Gaining no education on how to have safe sex before marriage, these teens are left unguided, sometimes resulting in teen pregnancy. In source B, "Abstinence-Only Education and Teen Pregnancy Rates: Why We Need Comprehensive Sex Education in the U.S.", the graphs depict an uneasily high amount of teen pregnancies in regions where abstinence-only programs are practiced, in 2002-2005 72.2% of teenagers reported to have been pregnant due to not being taught about safe sex. These numbers are in normally high as compared to other countries such as France, Germany, and the Netherlands never going above 30%, and the U.S has done over twice that much. It shows the downfall of only being educated of only having sex until you are married. Not educating children on safe sex practices could lead to far more damaging outcomes than parents could think of such as teen pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted…
How does one define social construction? Well, to begin with you can certainly consider gender differences in social construction. When referring to social construction we are looking at ways society defines these characteristics and ideas within different cultures, whether it's the biologically involved or these instances are learned starting at infancy. It's these social interactions that people act and react to, and what is merely accepted by society. A woman is born a woman and a Man is born a Man. And these two human beings have different roles in this society that each one is supposed to perform. It's about how we humans in this society understand how the world is constructed through…
Some simply see sex as a thing to do, for me it is much more than that. I was brought up to believe that sex is supposed to be something special that you do with the one you love. Today this “special” act is viewed as just the opposite. Kids and young adults do not care because they feel “it’s just sex”. It is sad to think that most take this topic so lightly. That is why I have chosen to be abstinent and wait to engage in sexual activity until marriage. This is a personal choice of mine, and I know some may agree or disagree.…
Teens did not know their own bodies. There were little factual resources that teenagers can depend. Few choices left for them, teenagers were guided along high risk actions. Abstinence was the approved option by parents, as it teaches teens to not be sexually active but not on protection or STDS. Another path is exploration on their own means. Exploration was dangerous, because teenagers were unaware of the consequences. Both options plunged teens’ health into a abyss. Then around 1980s, media started to reach towards the topic of sexual activity in teenagers. Many teen movies brushed against the topic about sexual activity and gave more positive responses than usual. Now, there is a rapid increase in sexual activity amongst teens. Due to this rise of sexually active teens, sexual health programs in high schools need to be updated to accommodate this change. High schools need to avoid only abstinence learning and implemented new programs for…
The popular culture has embraced human sexuality. The use of the term ‘sexualization’ has increased tremendously worldwide and it has become a problem in todays society. At the same thing it has brought a change in social and sexual scripts. It has been changing over the decades. The younger generation every time seem more open and accepting of sexually intimacy.…
Premarital sex was viewed as one of the biggest sins you could commit in19th Century England. It was seen to be pure and loyal to save your virginity until your wedding night and if you were to lose it before then you were seen as a slut and no longer respectable, this furthermore would have entirely…
I was even given a purity ring on my 13th birthday that I was told was a symbol of my promise to God that I would remain “pure” until my wedding night. This concept was drilled into me for so long I actually almost became afraid of sex, and I started to see losing your virginity as this awful thing that God would hate you for. Even as a little girl I used to wonder why the girls were given purity rings and the boys weren’t, and why we had to be told to remain “pure” but no one said anything to the boys. Even though I am still a Christian, my personal views on premarital sex have relaxed after what I was taught growing up, but I don’t think I’ll ever stop hearing that voice in my head telling me how wrong it is to have premarital sex and how it is always the girl’s responsibility to remain “pure” for her…