1. how does cmepensation effect regulation? compensation is necessary to prevent over regulation
2.compensation of devolps will eccourage excessive development
Exams will be either in-class essay exams, or longe r take-home essays. In class exams will, inter alia, consist of a fact pattern from which students should evaluate the law and economic issues. Take home exams will be in essence the same, but they will involve more information and require more detailed answers. It is the student’s choice which to ta
Econ 3468: Introduction to Law and Economics
Fall 2013
Instructor: Douglas
Savitsky, J.D., Ph.D.
Meeting Place and Time: Laurel Hall 307, TR 5:00-6:15
Office Hours: TR 3:30-
4:30 or by appointment
Email: douglas.savitsky@uconn.edu
This course is intended to introduce undergraduate stude nts to the discipline of law and economics. Law and economics is a broad and diverse field, so we will be focusing on a few areas to get a flavor of the discipline. It is assumed that everyone taking the cour se has had some economics. As such, there will be an emphasis in the beginning on understanding the law.
Requirements, Grading, and Expectations
I expect students to be prepared for class. Being prepared means that you have read and considered the assigned readings. Reading assignments will consist of sections from the textbook as well as cases, articles, and several book chapters. Many of the read ings will likely be difficult because the style of writing is different from what you have experienced before and because many will contain legal jargon that may be unfamiliar. Thus, it is important that you allocate sufficient time to read the assignments carefully and critica lly. Please feel free to ask, via email or at my office hours, if any reading seems insurmountable. While not required
, it is recommended that students brief cases, and take notes on all assigned readings.
Grades will be based on 2 exams (45% each) and clas s interaction (10%). Many of the topics we will cover are contentious, and it is only through student pa rticipation that you will come to fully understand them. You are expected to attend class, and you shoul d be prepared to be called on to summarize and/or respond to readings, and to respond to questions fr om me or comments from your fellow students.
Exams will be either in-class essay exams, or longe r take-home essays. In class exams will, inter alia, consist of a fact pattern from which students should evaluate the law and economic issues. Take home exams will be in essence the same, but they will involve more information and require more detailed answers. It is the student’s choice which to ta ke, and students may do one of each. All exams are open book and open note, but you must complete all of the work on your own.
ke, and students may do one of each. All exams are open book and open note, but you must complete all of the work on your own.