The following list of questions has been developed as a supplement to the Course of Study and Learning Resources for CGC1 and or ATO1. As you begin working through the textbooks try to answer the questions below in detail. This will provide you with a note-taking tool and a review document at the end or your studies.…
7) What species is represented by the following information? p+ = 17 A) Cl n° = 18 e- = 18 B) Kr C) Ar+ D) ClE) Ar…
In 2006, the NSW Government passed the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Gangs) Act 2006, making it the first Australian jurisdiction to legislate specific offences against criminal organisations (Schloenhardt 2008). The provisions make it an offence to participate in a criminal group, defined as three or more people who have as their objectives either to obtain material benefits from serious indictable offences or to commit serious violent offences. The Act also created power for the court to make a fortification removal order, in order to deal with OMCGs' heavily fortified premises.…
·Himalayan Mountains- Mountain range in south Asia that contains Mt. Everest ( worlds tallest peak).…
Assignment: 1. Read How to Read Literature like a Professor (see below for link to the book)first, and complete the following: Take notes that will help you to remember what the main idea of each chapter is. Remember taking notes does not equate copying the author’s words. Your notes will be graded 2. For each chapter, other than the interludes and the conclusion, make one connection from something in the chapter to any book, movie, song, TV show, etc. For instance, for the chapter on quests, you can talk about a movie that is a symbolic quest. These connections should be around a paragraph each. 3. Read The Road by Cormac McCarthy and answer the questions provided. These responses should contain details from the novel, including a quote as support or illustration of your point. Note: Watching the movie will not help you with this assignment.…
Celia was the name of a young female slave, who came to work for a prominent Missouri family called the Newsoms. Robert Newsom, a plantation owner in Callaway, Missouri, purchased her at age 14. Newsom was recently widowed and it seems he purchased Celia, looking for sex. He started raping her after being brought back to the farm. From then on, Newsom "visited" Celia often in a cabin he provided for her which was very close to the main household. Over the years, Celia had two children with Newsom, which he also considered "his property". The interesting thing about Celia’s story is that it recounts a tale of social strife and clearly indicates the fact that slaves were playing with a heavily stacked deck in relation to their Caucasian opposites.…
Chapter 3: The southern colonies in the seventeenth century -- -Rapid population growth - 1580-1650 -3.5 -5 million Growth strains farming economy Completion drives up process Landless poor beginning wandering the roads Ruling classes sees this as a a threat Social problems Poor population becomes mobile. Influx to Bristol , Liverpool, London Crowded unsanitary conditions in England Many die Many migrate to Ireland , Holland Big point people migrate to America for many reasons. Religious freedom escape from c/o/e desire for land Escape -jail marriage, debt English in the Chesapeake Original Goal =Trading posts First attempts= Nobile/ merchants ventures Different from Spanish / French Joint stock companies No personal liability More autonomy Huge Failure Jamestown settlement Merchant organized settlement 1607-104 sent crops , goods, and gold Land in swampy areas= not good No freshwater Did not plant crops Quickly die -38/104 left after 9 months Constant struggle to survive Cannibalism, desperation, horrible existence Many attempts to repopulate Death tolls stay high Disease and malnutrition land incentives to get continued migration Remains a struggling colony Indian War of 1622 Increased migration leads to problems w/natives Algonquin natives not happy Land hungry English and conversion attempts Oopechancanough attacks Kills 347 English, 1/3 of population English 10 years of warfare Massacres Sold pow's into captivity James 1=1 alarmed, revokes VA. Co. Charter Jamestown now a royal colony Tobacco saves Virginia John Rolfe Milder tobacco Tobacco=east to grow Sets of English tobacco book Tobacco , not trade saves VA Originally small farms After 1650- Wealthy create large estates Potential Problem?…
This list is not exhaustive; any additional research gathered needs to be included to enhance your answer.…
Book One introduces several of the themes that will shape the course of the novel, including the conflict between choice and fate. Wrapped up in this discussion is the subject of genetics, clearly an important subject to the genetically mutated Cal. As Cal recounts the story of how his grandparents fell in love, he represents elements of both choice (Lefty's decision to walk away from his two courtship dates, the couple's intentionally fake courtship period on the ship to America) and fate (the game of rock, paper, scissors in which Lefty agrees not to marry the two other girls, the anonymity of their circumstances as refugees). While Cal seems hesitant to take a stand on whether the genetic mutation passes down because of choices or fate, he reframes the question. By attributing the survival of the gene to a hypothetical “override” within the gene that ensures its own survival, he combines the seemingly opposite choice and fate. The choice becomes the genes and, as neither Desdemona nor Lefty is aware of the gene nor can control it, their lives seem ruled by fate.…
The Civil War was a major event that had happened, and was started by many different ways. This was taken place during 1840’s to the 1860’s. Controversy over the extension of slavery into western territories did contribute to the coming of the Civil War. Even though there were other contributions of the coming of the Civil War, the extension of slavery into western territories contributed to the Civil War were mainly politically, economically and socially. Extension of slavery into western territories in contributing into the coming of the civil war can be broken down politically, economically and socially. Politically, there were many causes of this, especially when it came to elections.…
On April 16th, 1963, Martin Luther King Junior wrote one of the most memorable letters in the history of Civil Rights movement. He did so while being imprisoned in Alabama. On the fourth day of his incarceration, he produced the most beautiful prose I have ever read, in order to deliver a convincing and righteous message. Four days before the letter was written, King, and many other civil rights protestors, were arrested for failing to obtain a permit for a parade. They were arrested while participating in a peaceful demonstration referred to as the “Birmingham Campaign.” In his letter, King states that he was compelled to “bring the gospel of freedom” wherever injustice exists. The campaign was mainly designed to bring attention to the awful treatment blacks were experiencing within the city of Birmingham, Alabama. This was Martin Luther King’s thirteenth arrest and probably most “important” one, as well.…
Learning Objectives: Students should be able to ... • Define evolution, fitness, and adaptation using the biological definitions. • Describe the nature of the evidence regarding (1) whether species change through time and (2) whether they are related by common ancestry. • Assess whether Darwin's four postulates are true in any given example, explain to a friend why evolution must occur if all four are true, and explain whether evolution will occur if any of the four are not true. • Identify common misconceptions about evolution, and give examples to illustrate why they are not true. (For example: Is evolution progressive? Do animals do things "for the good of the species"? Does evolution result in perfection?) Lecture Outline • Evolution is one of the best-supported and most important theories in the history of science. • Evolution is one of the five attributes of life. • Evolution has both a pattern and a process. I. The Evolution of Evolutionary Thought A. Plato and typological thinking 1. Plato saw species as unchanging, perfect "types" created by God. 2. Plato thought individual variation was an unimportant deviation from the true "type." B. Aristotle and the great chain of being (scale of nature) 1. Aristotle, like Plato, thought species were unchanging types. 2. Aristotle thought species could be organized into a sequence or ladder of increasing complexity, with humans at the top. (Fig. 24.1) C. Lamarck and the idea of evolution as change through time 1. Lamarck noticed that organisms changed over time. 2. Lamarck thought animals progressed over time from "lower" to "higher" forms (like Aristotle's ladder) via inheritance of acquired characteristics. D. Darwin and Wallace and evolution by natural selection 1. Species change over time, but they do not "progress." 2. A species does not have a single true "type." 3. Individual variation is important; variation is what drives…
Question: Evaluate the relative importance of the following as factors prompting Americans to rebel in 1776: *parliamentary taxation *British military measures *restrictions of civil liberties *the legacy of colonial religious and political ideas.…
Today, the idea of masculinity has largely remained the same in our culture with a few added pressures on both genders. Our world is a fast-paced one, filled with even bigger crowds, louder noises and shorter deadlines. Even the pressure to constantly stay plugged in with social media, email and texting can be tough on someone who requires regular peace and quiet.…
SIEMENS Pakistan Internship Report Internship Report By Mahmood Ali Korai (BU-Tr) Page 1 of 13 SIEMENS Pakistan Internship Report Index Topic Page Transformer 3 Workshop 4 Construction 4 a. Core 5 b. Winding 6 i. Layer winding ii.…