Along w period of political democracy was the 2nd party system, 1st was Federalists and Jeffersonian Democratic Republicans, the new were the Whigs and the Jacksonian Democrats 1830’s, foundation for modern day democrats
The federalists became the Whigs govt has an active role in promoting freedom govt programs in economy to secure freedom this is referred to as the American System by Henry Clay he was for tariffs, Jeffersonian Republicans become the Democrats believe opposite, that govt should stay out of economics
Henry Clay, no other country has no free trade, they have tariffs, how can we have free trade if other nations are imposing tariffs? Also wanted to have a United States Bank and internal improvements (civil engineering) promoting private engineering cooperating with incentive with the govt to build public structures or even private ventures that would potentially increase economic stability, NFL team example, if I own a team, gov’ts offer to build a stadium to bring in the revenue & entertaining tax revenue which will increase the state/ local economy.
The tariffs promote economic growth by taxing imported goods , artificially increasing the price to make domestic goods to be favorable and thus increasing the economy of the US
The Democrats feel the tariffs impinge on Lasie Fair, because it provides unequal advantages to some which might otherwise be selected against and therefore the market is unbalanced.
Andrew Jackson was the first president since Washington to give a farewell address. Lived 50 years under constitution, weve come out ok, I’ve got a few things to say, There have never been 13 millions of people involved in a political body who enjoy so much freedom… threat to this will come from inside itself, from corruption and greed and faction – loaded word implying political division– and warns the people to guard against it. Jackson stands for the political development of parties and the lassie-faire