Rule utilitarianism focus on following rules rather than a case by case scenario. Rule utilitarian will look to prior history to see what actions have been taken in similar situations; therefore, there is no concern to “immediate” happiness. They are not concerned with pleasure and pain. They are concerned with long term consequences and the benefits of the whole society. They are concerned with the greatest good. A rule utilitarian will inform Arthur to not purchase the artworks. He will inform Arthur that if he was to purchase the looted artworks, the consequences will be dire. The money will go towards the terrorist organization. The terrorist will then use the money, from the looted goods, to do harm to the whole community and society; therefore, it is wrong to purchase the artworks. The rule utilitarian will also argue that by buying a stolen item is immoral and displays egoism. He will bring up the “golden rule”. Rule utilitarian do not take in any personal account. They will argue that there is order in the world. If Arthur was to purchase the items, it will mean that humanity accepts and enables theft. Given the example about starvation in the community and if murder would be a solution, rule utilitarian would vote to not kill anyone within the…
Utilitarianism theories hold that the moral worth of actions or practices is determined by their consequences. An action or practice is right if it leads to the best possible balance of good consequences over bad consequences for all affected parties. (Arnold, pp 17)…
For example, according to James Rachels, “A faithful adherence to the utilitarian standard would require one to give away his or her wealth until they’ve made themselves as poor as the people they’ve been helping” (116). According to utilitarianism, individual happiness and wealth is outweighed by the happiness and wealth, or lack there of, of every citizen in the world. Mr. Rachels continues to say, “The problem is not merely that utilitarianism would require us to give away most of our things. It would also prevent us from carrying on our lives” (117). We all have goals and projects that make our lives meaningful, but an ethic that requires us to promote the general welfare of everyone on Earth would force us to abandon those endeavors. Additionally, Mr. Rachels states, “Utilitarianism disrupts our personal relationships. In practice, none of us are willing to treat everyone truly equally, because that would require giving up our special ties to friends and family” (117). We think of our friends and family as special— not just members of humanity. All of this is inconsistent with impartiality. When one is impartial, he or she misses out on intimacy, love and friendship. Given the problems that utilitarianism faces, it is not a shrewd ethical theory. Now that we have examined deontology’s antithesis, utilitarianism, and have shown it to be a faulty and contradicting ethical theory, we will examine deontology’s doctrine, starting with a few common…
The Utilitarianism theory supports individual capability to foresee the costs of an act. A Utilitarian considers the decision of giving the best profit to a large number of people; this is known to be ethically correct.…
Utilitarianism is a teleological theory which looks at the consequences of an act to decide whether it is right or wrong. There are lots of strengths to utilitarianism and not many weaknesses. One of the strengths is that it is a theory which established whether something was good or bad according to the majority of people. Bentham came up with this theory and it is known as the principle of utility. Bentham said ‘Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them to point out what we shall do’. This is the foundation for the principle of utility and it is a strength to utilitarianism as pleasure and pain can determine how people act. Bentham also said the aim of utilitarianism is ‘the greatest good of the greatest number’ and he used the Hedonic Calculus that he created to measure how good an act is and how many people it will affect, this is a major strength of utilitarianism because it tries to please everyone and each individual is equal. A weakness of Bentham’s view was noticed by Mill, Mill said it failed to differentiate humans from animals as animals can share the same pleasures that humans have, so this make human beings equal to animals. Mill also said that Bentham’s Hedonic Calculus was a weakness as it was too impractical as to use it you have to think of the; purity, intensity, certainty, extent, duration and fecundity of an act. In some situations this would be pointless as there might not be time to complete the Hedonic Calculus. For example is your house was on fire and you only had time to save either you cat or your dog you would not be able to think through the Hedonic Calculus as by the time you have your house would be burnt to the ground. This is a weakness to Bentham’s theory but not to utilitarianism because you can still please the majority without looking at the Hedonic Calculus every time you want to complete an act.Bernard…
Two different forms of utilitarianism are described in our text. The first is called act utilitarianism. According to Shaw and Barry, act utilitarianism states that we must ask ourselves what the consequences of a particular act in a particular situation will be for all those affected (p.60).…
The Definition of “Utilitarianism” is an ethical theory holding that the proper course of action is the one that maximizes the overall "good" of the greatest number of individuals. It is thus a form of consequentialism, meaning that the moral worth of an action is determined by its resulting outcome. The most influential contributors to this theory are considered to be Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill.”1 Utilitarianism is a simple theory and its results are easy to apply. It also allows for degrees of right and wrong, and for every situation the choice between actions is clear cut: always choose that which has the greatest utility. Utilitarianism is believed to have been derived from "Eudaimonia" which is the central concept in Aristotelian ethics. “In Aristotle's works, eudaimonia was used as a term for the highest human good, and so it is the aim of practical philosophy, including ethics and political philosophy, to consider (and also experience) what it really is, and how it can be achieved.”2…
Classical Utilitarianism is a moral philosophy, which was developed in 19th century England by Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill and Henry Sidgwick. The essential feature a utilitarian reside in, is the notion that an action is right if it produces the most amount of happiness well limiting suffering. Utilitarianism focuses solely on the consequences of the action, in an attempt to bring about the most happiness from each situation, well ensuring everybody’s happiness is equally considered.…
Utilitarianism is defined as ethic based on consequences. An act, either it is morally wrong or good is acceptable as long as the end outcome is greater. In this essay on utilitarianism, I would argue Peter Singer’s calculus preferences, equality is for all living being but sacrificing one for greater good is plausible. Counter argument of Immanuel Kant’s moral deontology claim, it is immoral to consider a human being as a means to an end. John Mills’ actions are right as long they promote happiness, wrong if they produce the opposite of happiness as the reply for the counter argument. In conclusion, I would ethically rectify my claim in supporting utilitarian argument.…
Utilitarianism: Utilitarianism is an ethical system that is most often attributed to philosophers such as John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham. Utilitarianism believes that the most ethical thing to do is to maximize the happiness within a society. Utilitarian’s believe that actions have calculable outcomes and that ethical choices have outcomes which lead to the most happiness to the most members of a society. Utilitarianism is often considered a consequentialist philosophical outlook because it both believes that outcomes can be predicted and because it judges actions based on their outcomes. Thus, utilitarianism is often associated with the phrase 'the ends justify the means.'…
First I would like to start off by defining what utilitarian mean well based off of the module a utilitarian is the person who believes in the greater good in other words a person who would take losses and justify it’s worth by the results gained from it. Now in regard to the question on how might utilitarian respond to the situation of the innocent man who was executed in order to keep the citizens from rioting. My answer to that is it would be the exact same result, because of how a utilitarian thinks. In situations like this I would guess that a utilitranian would not even hesitate to kill the innocent man, because a utilitrain would think that excuting the innocent man would be beneficial for the majority of the citizens so he would…
Utilitarianism and deontology are two moral theories that can often pull us in different direction. Utilitarianism is the ethical doctrine that virtue is based on utility, and that conduct should be directed toward promoting the greatest happiness of the greatest number of persons. This can be viewed as a contingent right. Contingent means something that could happen or come up depending on other occurrences. An example of a contingent right is the unexpected need for a bandage on a hike. The bandage is what the hiker needs and it will bring happiness to the person.…
Among the ethical arguments that we have seen, it is clear that a form of utilitarianism is the best option, that is, we should always do what brings about the best outcome where the outcomes are rated by the amount of good they bring about. The utilitarian argument says that in any given decision, the option that brings about the most good is the right thing to do every time. That being said, the definition of good is extremely important to the soundness of the argument. In this case, the best view of what is good is that of a hedonist, that is, a thing is good if it brings about pleasure and bad if it brings about suffering. To add to this however, I would argue that the best good outcome is the outcome which…
Social and economic inequalities are the second principle of justice, which, concerns social and economic equality. This only recognizes the theory of good and right in the difference between the principles and utilitarianism because it does not require an equal distribution of welth. The framework for morality, law, and politics is utilitarianism. Pleasure and preferences of satisfaction also gives reference to whatever yields the greatest utility and the greatest values with a list of objectives. It allows a choice of actions on the basis of consequences, and a view of consequences in means of the well being of others. The theory of rights yields the moral sensitivity to others and the greatest net utility. It also deals with negativity. The negatives require a person to promote the least amount whereas utilitarianism deals with the greatest number of goods for the greatest number. Evil and harm is the least amount. The suggestion from the principle of utilitarianism is that the main aim of the negative utilitarianism was to give rise to the least painful method of killing the entity of humanity. Concepts such as reputation rather than pure hedonism may be part of preference satisfaction.…
Utilitarianism consists of whether actions are morally right or morally wrong based on the effects of the actions consequences. When deciding if an action is morally right one must identify what type of action is being performed, and determine what benefits and harm will result from the course of action as well as how will it affect everyone that is involved. “Utilitarian’s believe that the purpose of morality is to make life better by increasing the amount of good things (such as pleasure and happiness) in the world and decreasing the amount of bad things (such as pain and unhappiness). Utilitarian’s think that what makes a morality be true or justifiable is its positive contribution to human (and perhaps non-human) beings.” (Santa Clara University,…