Within ones early stages of life, our parents along with many other authority figures have instilled in us that education is the key to all success. One is taught to work hard in school, to study, and ultimately to get good grades in our early years of schooling to prepare us for what many see as the last step in our education, college. Education has made made freely available to our children at an equal opportunity and again has been instilled that it is the key to all success in life. Tom Luck the author of the poem “You Go to School to Learn,” bluntly states the harsh reality that one's education is provided to the extant of whatever skills that can be gained, to ensure them money. Tom Luck argues, “you’re taught away from poetry or, say, dancing (“That's nice, dear, but there's no dough in it”). So what are we teaching our children? What is the purpose of education? Several views are strongly debated. Many believe that the purpose of education in the dominant big-business view in which education means enabling one to be trained to work in a skillful workplace, at low wages, and then there is the view that education is more than learning a skill for a specific job, it is about teaching our children lifelong values, discipline, and the ability to explore new ideas and think independently. Those with the view that education is more, argue that education is key for building the critical abilities that are entailed for complicated human beings.
There are many people that encourage the saying, “Knowledge is power. Bertolt Breckt, writer of the poem, “Praise of Learning,” is an advocate writer that strongly believes there is no time frame or limit to learning and bettering ones education. Breckt also strongly believed that education was not just in the means of a school, but that one could learn endlessly from those surrounding, and of all stereotypes. In the second verse of Bertolt Breckt's poem he