Organisational Behaviour In John Lewis Plc
Assignment 1
University of Hertfordshire
Organisational Behaviour In John Lewis Plc
Assignment 1
Course Title: Organisational Behaviour
Number of words: 2 705
Course Title: Organisational Behaviour
Number of words: 2 705
Table of Contents INTRODUCTION 3 MOTIVATION AT JOHN LEWIS 4 Maslow hierarchy needs 5 Herzberg’s two-factor theory 5 Taylor Scientific Management 5 LEADERSHIP AT JOHN LEWIS 6 Trait theory 7 Style or behavioural theory of leadership 7 Sources of power 8 Manager v leader 8 CULTURE AT JOHN LEWIS 9 CONCLUSION 11 REFERENCES 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY 15 APPENDIX 1. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs 20 20 APPENDIX 2 Difference of hierarchy needs for different type of employees: 21 APPENDIX 3 21 Training to give the best customer service 22 APPENDIX 4 Two-factor Theory of Motivation. 22 22 APPENDIX 5 Taylor’s Theory of Motivation 22 APPENDIX 6 Table from Annual Report Reward Management 2011 23
The John Lewis Partnership, as we know it today, came into being in 1929 under the Chairmanship of Spedan Lewis. It currently has 28 John Lewis department stores from Southampton to Aberdeen, 223 Waitrose supermarkets from Plymouth to Norwich. It also has several manufacturing subsidiaries which produce bedding and wooden furniture. Also it owes a 4,000 acre Leckford Estate in Hampshire which grows apples, pears, mushrooms, and produces milk, poultry, and eggs for sale in the Waitrose Supermarket chain. It also has an online shopping service, John Lewis Direct, as well as an agreement with internet grocer Ocado to deliver Waitrose products. It currently employs 64,000 to 76,500 (Wood,Zoe and Kollewe,Julia, 2011) staff (on different sources).
Key numbers for fiscal year ending