The process through which the employees are introduced about the customs and traditions of the organization is known as ‘socialization’. It is the process of adaptation by which new employees are to understand the basic values and norms for becoming ‘accepted’ members of the organization. However, the process continues throughout the career of all employees. The people who do not learn to adjust to the culture of the organization are called ‘rebels’ or ‘non – conformists’. They face criticism and are often turned out of the organization. Thus, socialization process performs two major functions:
1. It creates uniform behaviour thereby increasing mutual understanding and reducing conflicts.
2. It reduces ambiguity among the employees as they know what is expected of them.
There are three stages in the process of socialization: pre – arrival, encounter and metamorphosis or transformation. These stages are discussed below:
1Pre – arrival Stage: It denotes the period of learning in the socialization process that occurs before a new joins the organization. The new worker has a set of values, beliefs, attitudes and expectations. Such factors must be taken into account at the selection stage. Those types of people should be selected who might be able to fit into the organization’s culture. The candidates must be made aware of the organization’s values and expectations during the selection process so that the chances of wrong selection are reduced to the minimum.
2. Encounter Stage: The new employee enters this stage when he joins the organization. He come to know what the organization is really like and may find divergence