The impact of culture is very important when it comes to attempting and achieving personal goals and business goals. Organizational cultures are the characteristics that are based on morals, values, traditions and personnel behavior. Values are very important because people act out upon his or her values, and values channel behavior. Saying and doing the right thing are two different things and if managers are trying to set the culture they have to set the example. Physical manifestations such as ethical codes or written rules are some ways the organization reflects its values. General Electric, Lockheed Martin, Haliburton Company, Corporate Express, ACH Foods and Whole Foods are corporations that strive to be ethically oriented. Drive for success is dictated by management and decision making by the leaders inside the company. We will discuss ways many organizations have different cultures and beliefs on how they plan on managing their corporation with hopes to not have hostility or conflict.
General Electric Company
We will examine both General Electric (GE) company workplace efforts and compare those to Corporate Express Canada (CEC). One method used to better communication practices are the employee surveys at GE; the GE Employee Opinion Survey and the Engagement Survey (, 2007). The combination of both “enables the Company to continually evolve and improve its [sic] engagement and relationship with employees.” CEC uses monthly manager meetings and annual country meetings to accomplish effective communication within the corporation (, 2008). Diversity is given a front seat at GE. GE recruits from the military and has individual support forums (2007) for the Women, African American, Asian Pacific, and Hispanic employees within GE. CEC does not reflect the diverse culture that GE represents. CEC show upper management to be predominately male whereas GE has a vast demographic culture. Technology dependent working