Shared, because this 1-pager offers a workable definition for Vision,
Mission, Goals and Objectives in strategic management system context. Purpose
Organization Strategy
The McKinsey Model (7ss Model)
ISO 9000
People (who are ... )
Processes (that are ... )
Management Involvement
Documents (that are ... )
(Quoted from Quality Progress by ASQC, circa 2003.)
Organization Strategy
Vision and mission statements play an important role in strategy development by providing vehicles to generate and screen strategic options.
They also provide organizational identity and understanding of business directions.
Dream or a picture to be achieved ultimately.
Created by consensus. Forms mental image of future to which people can align.
Describes something possible, not necessarily predictable. Provides direction and focus. Pulls people, who hold it, towards it. Mission
Statement of business.
States the business reason for the organization's existence. Does not state an outcome. Contains no time limit or measurement. Provides basis for decisions on resource allocation and appropriate objectives. Defines current and future business in terms of product, score, customer, reason, and market price.
Results to be achieved.
Describes ideal states to be achieved at some unidentified future time. Defined consistent with and related directly to vision and mission. Guide everyday decisions and actions. Do not necessarily deal with measurable results.
How - Actions and Results - to plan to achieve the desired results.
Focuses on critical organization issues and milestones. Describe activities to be accomplished to achieve goals. Identify dates when specific results are to be accomplished. Measurable in terms of whether or not they are achieved. They may be changed when necessary