Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Department of Economics
Winter 2014
Course # and Title: Introduction to Microeconomics: AP/ECON 1000 M
Course Webpage: http://jacinth.eso.yorku.ca/LotusQuickr/2014w-apecon1000m-03/Main.nsf
Course Instructor/Contact:
Sadia Mariam Malik
1094 Vari Hall
416-736-2100 Ext. 20532
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays – 1:00-2:00 pm and by appointment
LectureTime and Location:
TA hours:
Tuesdays and Thursdays (10:00 am - 11:30 am)
ACE 102
To be posted
Course Description: This course will familiarize students with the basic principles and tools of microeconomic analysis which will help them to understand what economics is all about; why it is important to study economics; what is an economic way of thinking; and how individual economic units such as consumers and firms make optimal decisions. By the end of this course, it is expected that students will have a firm understanding of the basic concepts of microeconomic analysis such as demand and supply; consumer behavior; the behavior of firms; costs, pricing and profit maximization strategies under different market settings; and the impact of government regulation on market incentives and production.
Note: Successful completion of this course, together with AP/ECON 1010 3.00, is required for all students who intend to pursue additional courses in economics at the 2000, 3000, and 4000 level and in order to pursue degree studies in economics, business economics, and financial and business economics.
Course Text / Readings:
Required Course Material
1) “Microeconomics: Canada in the Global Environment.” Eighth Edition (seventh edition is fine too). By Michael Parkin and Robin Bade. Pearson 2012.
Note: If you plan to take Macroeconomics (Econ1000), a smart deal for you would be to buy the textbook titled as “Economics: Canada in the Global Environment” which is