Name Address Telephone Email Date of Birth Place of Birth Nationality Gender Marital Status Driving Licence Valeriu Marian Vasilescu Flat 5, Copper Beech Grande Route de St John Jersey JE2 3FN 07829956198 (mobile) 16th June 1975 Romania Romanian Male Married with two children B, BE
My career has been in hospitality although more recently I haveworked in the fulfilmentindustry.
Due to changes in legislation, this type of industry in the Channel Islands has ceased and I am now seeking work as I am coming to end of a temporary contract as a Chef. Although trained as a chef, I have worked in other areas of the hospitality industry and have experience as a porter for a large hotel in Jersey where I worked in the Conference area and have worked for another of the island's larger hotels in the restaurant. I possess a college diploma in computer skills. I am a most reliable person and my past employers have always been satisfied with my standard of work . I learn quickly, am adaptable and have proved competent in supervising others in a team situation. My English language skills are first class in all areas.
Education & Qualifications
2012 2nd March to 20th July 2009 Course encompassed: 16th May to 10th November 2005 15th June 1989 to 15th August 1993
Food Safety Level 2 Award BIIAB Level 1 Award-Alcohol Retailing
Spiru Harnet School Groups Craiova,Romania Cookery Diploma: Hot and cold starters, meat dishes, salads, sauces, soups, supervisory skills, Hygiene, Health and Safety. SC ITC SA Theodor Aman- Computer Studies Fratii Buzesti High School Diploma
Language Skills
Romanian- mother tongue English - advanced French - basic user
Career History 24 April to present Position 10 March 2011 – 31 March 2012 Position 25th October 2010 – 27th February 2011 Position 14th May to 10th September 2010 Position “Little Sisters of the Poor”, Jersey CHEF “Indigo Starfish” ,