P plate drivers are 33% more likely to have a crash than L plate drivers (Monash University 200). This is due to a number of factors such as:
Poor decision making
Willingness to take risks whilst driving
The influence of peer pressure
Alcohol and drug use
Stress and fatigue.
Young drivers are constantly shown to be the worst drivers on our roads (Transport for NSW 2013b). They are inexperienced and also tend to take more risks than other drivers (Transport for NSW 2013c). This leads to some very high accident figures.
A P-plate driver dies in NSW every six days.
Drivers under 26 make up only 15% of licensed drivers but are involved in 36% of road fatalities.
A 17 year old driver with a P1 license is about four times more likely to be involved in a fatal crash than a driver aged 26 or older.
Males make up 79% of the drivers under 26 involved in fatal crashes.
Young or inexperienced drivers can’t afford to divide their attention between the road and their passengers. Passengers may also encourage the driver to show off and take risks. A study showed that young drivers with more than one peer passenger in the car were 15 times more likely to have an accident than when driving alone (Transport Roads and Maritime Services 2013a).
Almost all young drivers admit to speeding. They do not understand the extent to which the risks of accident are increased by a slight speed increase (Transport Roads and Maritime Services 2013b). Speeding is a contributing factor in 40 per cent of fatal crashes involving P-plate drivers. More than 80 per cent of speeding casualty crashes involving P-plate drivers occur in urban areas, including 60 per cent in the Sydney region. In 2008
Transport for NSW launched the please slow down campaign aimed at P plate drivers, this campaign showed