Entry Modes into P&G Singapore Relationships have been in place with two main groups in Singapore long before Proctor and Gamble ever decided to build a plant. The Economic Development Board and A*Star’s Institute for Materials Research and Engineering are the two main groups they have been involved with. Since Proctor and Gamble built these relationships before building a plant in Singapore they have thus established a strategic alliance with Singapore. The Economic Development Board and A*Star’s Institute for Materials Research and Engineering have come together with Proctor and Gamble to share resources and complete a project. Proctor and Gamble benefit from setting up a strategic alliance with A*Star by getting the privilege of looking at IMRE’s innovative research (Moneycontrol.com, 2008). In return for this preferential treatment, P&G shares its new innovations with A*Star’s IMRE (Moneycontrol.com, 2008).
P&G also entered into the Singapore manufacturing industry through a Greenfield venture. The 6,500-sq.-meter-fragrance
References: Euromonitor International. (2008). Household Care in Singapore. Retrieved April 4, 2008, from http://www.euromonitor.com/Household_Care_in_Singapore FoodIngredientsfirst.com Icfaian School of Management. (2001, March 18). Procter &Gamble. Retrieved April 2, 2008, from http://ismindia.org/cases/pandg.html LifeScan, Inc Min, Chia Yan. (2008, March 6). P&G Opens first Asia perfume plant in Singapore. The Straits Times. Retrieved April 4, 2008, from http://www.asiaone.com/News/The%2BStraits%2BTimes/Story/A1Story20080306-52941.html Moneycontrol.com. (2008, March 7). P & G selects Singapore for its perfume plant. Retrieved April 4, 2008, from http://www.moneycontrol.com/india/news/news/ pg-selects-singapore-for-its-perfume-plant/08/54/329471 P&G. (2008). Corporate Info Structure-Four Pillars. Retrieved April 3, 2008, from http://www.pg.com/jobs/corporate_structure/four_pillars.jhtml P&G.com