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Procter & Gamble Inc: Scope
Scope was introduced in 1967 by Procter & Gamble, is a green mint tasting mouthwash,and was positions as a great tasting mouth refreshing brand that provided bad breathprotection. Scope held 32% share of the Canadian market for 1990. In 1970 Scope becamethe market leader in Canada, with many competitors, such as Listerine mouthwash that waslaunched by Warner Lambert in 1977 and it was a direct competitor to Scope, it had nearlythe same characteristics as Scope with a 12% of the market share during that time. But themajor competitor for Scope was Plax, a brand by Pfizer Inc, which was launched in Canadain 1988 on a platform quite different from the traditional mouthwashes, and gained a 10%share since launched. Plax detergents were supposed to help loosen plaque to makebrushing effective. Before the entry of Plax, brands in the mouth wash market werepositioned around two major benefits that are fresh breath and killing germs, whereas Plaxwas positioned around a new benefit as a plaque fighter and claims Plax removes up tothree times more plaque than just brushing alone.In studying the current situation and preparing for a strategic plan, Gwen Hearst reviewedthe available information and surveys for the mouthwash market and Scope showed that75% of Canadian household use 1 or more mouthwash brands. The company’s marketresearch revealed that users could be segmented to “heavy” users that comprised 40% of all users and to “medium” users that comprised 45% of all users and to light users thatcomprise 15%. The company also made a research on why consumers use mouthwash,and the results were: consumer’s basic hygiene, it gets rid of bad breath, it kills germs andmany other reasons. Also surveys were conducted of mouthwash user’s image of the major brands based on several attributes such as, reducing bad breath, killing