September 20, 2013
Prompts: 1) Henry’s speech was a call to action. What did he want his fellow Virginians to do? How did he justify his desire? In what ways did Henry address the concerns of those who did not agree with him? 2) Slavery was a common theme in Henry’s speech. What specific imagery did Henry use to illustrate his message? Why would those images have resonated so strongly with his audience? 3) Throughout his speech, Henry referenced a variety of Biblical themes. What are some of the most striking references Henry used? Why would these themes have resonated with his audience?
Patrick Henry gave an incredible speech on March 23, 1775 addressing and expressing the idea of freedom for slavery. He did so boldly and respectfully. Without using scripture in his way of deliverance, he still did so using the character in which he believed Jesus would have delivered it, with great respect yet, not escaping the point. He said, “I hope it will not be thought disrespectful to those gentlemen.” (Wirt, William. 1973.) Speaking of those he had just spoken before him and expressing their common ideas which were very opposite of his own. Henry speech was a call to action for liberty, independence, and freedom.
In the Bible there is a man by the name of Peter who is often referred to as Apostle Peter. In his first epistle, 1 Peter 2:17 says, “Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, and honor the king” In these few words alone there are four ideas of respect that is mentioned. It addresses the respect that we should show to men, fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, God Himself, and to those who God as appointed to govern over us.
In this particular passage of scripture respect comes from the word, Honor. It is a noun and a verb. In the verb form it is read, timao and it means to honor. (Vine's Greek New Testament Dictionary, 2013) One article describes it as to place a