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Explanation of simple pendulum equations by Ron Kurtus - Succeed in Understanding Physics. Key words: physical science, forces, weight, gravity, bob, amplitude, angle, periodic motion, frequency, period, pi, clocks, School for Champions. Copyright © Restrictions
Simple Pendulum Equations by Ron Kurtus (revised 30 August 2012)
A simple pendulum consists of a weight suspended on a string or wire. If the pendulum weight or bob is pulled to a relatively small angle from the vertical and let go, it will swing back and forth at a regular period and frequency. There are equations available to calculate the period and frequency as a function of the length of the wire and the acceleration due to gravity. The weight of the bob is not a factor in the equations.
Although damping effects from air resistance and friction are a factor, they are considered negligible for the basic equations concerning the frequency of the the pendulum, as well as the speed of the bob.
Questions you may have include:
Motion topics
Relative Motion, Speed, Velocity and Acceleration
Newton's Laws of Motion
Derivation of a Simple Collision
What are the factors and parameters of pendulum motion?
What are the equations for frequency and period?
What is the equation for the speed or velocity of a pendulum?
This lesson will answer those questions. Useful tool: Units Conversion
Applications of Collision Equations
Motion and the Law of Inertia
Periodic Motion
Pendulum Exhibits Periodic Motion
Simple Pendulum Equations
Newton's Cradle
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Derivation of How Newton's Cradle Works
Work and Energy topics
Work is a Result of Force
Factors and parameters
Overview of Energy
Kinetic Energy