Csir 3315
Libro del Curso
Systems Analysis and Design
Ninth Edition
Shelly Cashman Series
Respuesta a Problemas del libro de texto del problema 2 “Personal Trainner”.
Capítulos 3, 4 y 5
Le sirve como ejemplo a seguir para la presentación final para la respuesta del caso de “New Century Health Clinic”
Capitulo 3 ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Personal Trainer, Inc. ...................................................................................................................... 2
Capitulo 4 ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Personal Trainer, Inc. ...................................................................................................................... 4
Capitulo 5 ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Personal Trainer, Inc. ...................................................................................................................... 6
Dr. Rafael Nieves
Page 1
Capitulo 3
Personal Trainer, Inc.
You are enjoying your job as a student intern at Personal Trainer. Last week, Susan asked you to help her plan the new information system project. Susan knows that you have completed several information systems courses at the local college, and that you have studied project management tools and techniques.
Specifically, she wants you to get ready for the next set of systems development tasks, which will be requirements modeling for the new system. Yesterday, Susan called you into her office to discuss the specific tasks she wants you to perform. After meeting with Susan, you sit down and review your notes. She wants you