Neurophysiology of Nerve Impulses
Laboratory Homework
20 Points Total
Name: ___________________________________
QUESTIONS. Answer the question in the space provided for each question.
1. In the PHYSIO-EX 9.0 Activity 1, the simulation showed you how the resting membrane potential depends on the concentration of K+ and Na+ in the ECF. Some data were generated while measuring the resting membrane potential using a microelectrode that was positions alternatively in the ECF and the ICF. You recorded the data in Chart 1 on page 35. Use the data to produce a Graph that will clearly show how the effects ion the resting membrane potential when the ECF concentration of K+ is high and when the ECF concentration of Na+ is low. Hint: take in consideration that independent variable is not a numeric but a category. (4 points)
The following questions will require you to do some Web search.
2. Lidocaine is a commonly used anesthetic. What is the molecular composition of Lidocaine. (type of macromolecule and formula) (2 points).
3. List three specific usages of lidocaine (1 points each = 3 points)
1. _________________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________________
4. Provide the name of two vendors of lidocaine and four (4) brand names for this anesthetic (1 points each)
Brand Names
5. Explain the precise mechanism behind Lidocaine effect on action potential in nerves. Indicate to what type of integral proteins Lidocaine binds to, the effect on such proteins and what will be the effect on the generation of an action potential and