Stuff I want
Deanna Goudelias Period 5
1. What was the Board of Supervisors? The San Francisco board of supervisors was a legislative body within the government. It was made up of 11 members, each representing a different geographic district.
2. District elections v. At-Large elections: Why did district elections favor of Milk's election?
The district elections favored Harvey milk's election because he was elected by the people in his neighborhood. These people knew him well due to his direct campaigns. This was unlike be at- large elections, where people did not get to know him as well.
3. Proposition Number six in California: what did it say? How was it decided?
Proposition six would have band gays and lesbians and anyone who supported gay rights from working in public schools in California. It was not passed due to the support of Harvey Milk, Pres. Carter, and other gay activists who argued for that act.
4. Why did Dan White resign? Why wasn't he allowed back?
Dan White resigned because the salary he was receiving was not enough to support his family. Also found politics to be corrupt and unethical. He was not allowed back because of his arguments with Harvey Milk and other politicians.
5. How do you feel about the public response to Milk's and Moscone's murder?
I believe the protestors had every right to gather in silence and try to accept what