Sherry, M., Thomas, P., & Chui, W. H. (2010). International students: a vulnerable student population. Higher Education, 60(1), 33–46.…
A money-spinning product fed by an incongruous campaign Just Do It, Nike a global company who increased its share from $ 877 million worldwide to $ 9.2 billion within 10 years (Nike’s “Just Do It” Advertising Campaign, 2011). A brilliant profit boosting marketing campaign, in which many evoked possibilities, audacity whereas others evoked indifference for human rights standards, and the ecological system. This paper will provide an analysis of Nike’s social responsibilities, and ethical issues on global production. Concerns as child labor laws, wages violations, lack of health and safety on workplace, and ecological insolence (A Cultural Study of Nike, 2011). Additionally, this document will assess the ethical perspectives across cultures implicated by Nike global organization.…
Nowadays, there are millions of international students in the United States who are pursuing college degrees that will help them achieve their future goals and may give them the opportunity of finding a good position in the international job market. However, it’s not an easy task for these students to adapt in a new environment because of many of challenges they may face and learning how to adjust themselves to college life. Some of the challenges they may go through involve overcoming cultural, social, and academic differences in order to succeed in college. It is obvious that these issues would affect them academically and psychologically as well. Therefore, it is important for international students to understand how adaptation in particular would help them to meet the academic requirements of American universities.…
There are one hundred and ninety six different countries in the world. There are thousands of ethnic groups among these countries. Within all of the diverse places we are all similar because we are all human. We have the same wants and same needs; the only thing that makes us different is the location we originated. Here in the United States, Americans, whether realizing it or not, consider themselves higher in status. Even though they are diverse within themselves, the whole is considered the superior people by not only themselves but by surrounding countries as well. They have first-rate justice systems, improved living situations, high-class transportation, finer luxuries, and enhanced overall lifestyles. My college English class was informed that we must interview an international student to discuss their opinions about the U.S., and it was an exciting topic to conceive.…
Over the past years, the number of overseas students has been increasing radically in Australia. The term ‘overseas students’ can be defined as the under-graduated students who come from foreign countries. In this essay, the countries are narrow to Asia where is consist of majority of overseas. The following essay shows three main reasons which are economic benefit, environment features and social features.…
Academic writing seems to be a huge challenge for most international students. Students usually suffer from many problems such as grammar, vocabulary, organization and so on. According to Harris’s(2010) study of argumentative essay writing, he found that there are many differences between native and non-native students in academic writing, while some people claim that writing styles and conventions are the biggest problem (Sondek,2008 cited in Linn, 2009). This text began with analysing some arguments from the studies by Linn and Harris, and then combines some opinions by myself. After that suggests that grammar, vocabulary and different writing styles are significant problems for overseas students. It then claims that writing styles with conventions are much harder than others.…
In the introductory section, he discussed the reasons of conducted this study on international students and supported his claim with some previous research. In the literature section, Campbell first discussed the challenging experiences that undergraduate and master international students went through during their study at U.S. universities although the study just focused on international students in doctoral level. Moreover, Campbell covered all themes of the study with relevant literature; however, he did not provide any synthesis or analysis of the literature to understand the gaps that exist. In the end of this section, he stated the purpose of the study and clearly identified four research…
Nicholson, Dexter. "Common Problems Faced By International Students In Australia." ArticleSnatch Free Article Directory. Web. 12 Apr. 2011.…
Although, there are many things accomplished, there are also many difficulties we encounter as an international student. It is challenging meeting new cultures, and being in a new environment.…
Challenges faced by an international student can be compared to a young child going to the school for the first time. The only difference is that, the young child has to be convinced to go to school while, the International student has already made a decision to go to a foreign country. The young child is sent to school to learn new things which would help him/her in the future similarly international student moves out of his/her home country to learn new things by getting the international exposure.…
It is not easy to live and study in the USA for every international students. We need to deal with everything by ourselves. Today I want to talk about my daily life and the lives who study in ASU.…
The first challenge that the majority of students have to undertake when becoming an undergraduate is long term. Homesickness is evident in many students. Not necessarily missing family but friends as well. In addition to this, one has had to leave behind a familiar place. A place that many people may have lived for all of their lives, therefore, the change in surroundings could possibly be overwhelming, making it difficult to adjust to student life. Furthermore, when leaving behind a place for some students they may be leaving behind a partner. Long-term relationships are then a factor when moving away and also the idea that you or your partner will meet someone else. This is another factor, which is extremely important when becoming a student. In a new place you therefore meet new people. New friendships must be formed and trust placed in these. Students react differently to being put in accommodation with between two and over ten more people. Some will relish the idea and begin making friendships as soon as they arrive. However, for others this may be found hard, especially for typically quiet, shy and reserved people. These…
Nowadays , Education play an important role in our life . However , there are some countries which have poor education , poor teaching and learning strategies . Actually , Those students will go to higher education institutions country . It calls ‘’ International Students ‘’ . More importantly , United Kingdom is the most famous about education . The term ‘’ international students ‘’ is taken here to mean those students who have been educated in a national education system outside the UK and who on the whole are likely to be non-native speakers of English .…
Transition into university entails various “personal and interpersonal challenges” (Parker et al.: Tinto, as cited in Mudhovozi, 2012). Students are forced to suddenly develop new relationships and learn university study and time-management skills. This task creates pressure and difficulties in adapting to university and must therefore be addressed because these difficulties are factors that affect student performance in university. This report aims to analyze some of the issues students face when commencing university, and recommend appropriate action for universities to aid transition. Firstly, a number of challenges first year university students’ face will be discussed. Following this, recommendations will be made and finally a conclusion will be drawn on the subject.…
I am a international student who are studying in America. My goals are improving my English and enter a collage. Studying in America has a lot of advantages, such as we can learn new cultures. But Studying in different country is a difficult thing for teenager, for example, we need to adapt to new surroundings.…