There has been an increase in global technology over the past few years. The increase in technology allows us to have access to many things from almost anywhere, such as the Internet. People can find information right at their fingertips faster and easier than ever before. However, with this increase in technology comes an increase in cybercrime.…
Physical crimes never cease to draw our attention. Victims, bloodiness, drama, motives, psychological issues and conflicts: they are at the heart of most physical crimes. Cyber crimes are not viewed as dramatic and pervasive by many, but its consequences can be even bloodier within seconds: hundreds of millions of victims and billions of dollars can be rapidly caused with two elements, a criminal mind and one computer. We are not safe from either bloody crimes or cyber crimes such as cyberstalking, cyberbullying, and financial theft. In fact, “cybercrime affects everyone-business, governments, and citizens.” (2). Wealth, a safe neighborhood, or bodyguards…
Regular stories featured in the media on computer crime include topics covering hacking to viruses, web hackers, to internet pedophiles, sometimes accurately portraying events, sometimes misconceiving the role of technology in such activities. The increase in cybercrime has been documented in the news media. Both the increase in the incidence of criminal activity and the possible emergence of new varieties of criminal activity pose challenges for the legal system, as well as for law enforcement. Some of the things I do to try and prevent falling victim to cybercrime is keeping the latest version of virus software on my computers. Using strong passwords that only my family knows. I do not fall prey to online offers of things like free TVs, or you have won $1,000.…
Computer crime is an ongoing issue that we continuously see, and a major problem with this is that most people do not realize the harm that computer crime can cause. Computer crime is also a niche that continues to grow. This is based on the fact that there are many different perceptions about what computer crime is, and the harmful effects it can have. Because there is a gap between traditional views of what cyber crime is and the actual realities of these crimes, it is a criminal offense that will continue to happen.…
Because the wide world of technology has developed at such an astounding pace, there are many problems for victims as well as investigators of cyber crime and computer-related crimes. First, we must familiarize ourselves with the definitions of cyber crime and computer-related crime. For this paper, we will define cyber crime as the use of a computer as a tool to commit a crime or as a crime committed where a computer is the target. We will define computer-related crime as a traditional crime where a computer is used to carry out, record actions, or provide evidence of a crime. The beginnings of the problem of investigating cyber crime come in the form of reporting. For many reasons cyber crimes tend to go unreported or severely underreported. Another problem is that law enforcement officials (as well as parents and their children) do not have adequate training, allocation of funds, coordination with other agencies, or proper understanding of applicable laws that pertain to cyber crime. From all angles cyber crime is a difficult problem to tackle, and there is a definite need for law enforcement to catch up with the technology of cyber space, which is quickly becoming a feeding ground for illegal and illicit activity.…
The computer world gives criminals a large amount of power because victims can just about anyone and can happen internationally (Maras, 2015). It can be hard for law enforcement to understand cybercrime because of how fast new crimes are committed and the new ways to commit those crimes is constantly changing (Maras, 2015). For example, various ways to commit cybercrime include hacking, malware, cyberterrorism, cyberextortion, and cybervandalism (Maras, 2015). It can be hard for law enforcement to keep up with these criminals because of how often technology is changing. Account holders of platforms such as social media, online bank accounts and billing accounts, email, and more have to be very cautious when using technology because of how easy…
It has been a routine that when someone needs something, he or she can proceed to the Internet for his or her need to be catered. But on the other side of the Internet, crimes after crimes spread. Anything that takes place in cyberspace, or all electronic or internet means of communication can potentially produce cyber victims. A Cybercriminal use the computer as their object…
Technology changes at very fast rate, before you know it the processors and programs we are currently using quickly become obsolete. As technology continues to change and evolve everyone in our society and their personal information becomes more vulnerable every day. Criminals are advancing their techniques and strategies to commit these crimes right along with the advancements. Cyber crimes have a vast effect on our society through our economy, with in governments, law enforcement, and on an individual basis. The hard part about these crimes is that they are done behind closed doors on a computer and often originate from other countries. Locating criminals, working in unison with other governments, adapting our laws is a daunting and sometimes frustrating task.…
Now a day in this world cyber crime is on the rise. Everywhere you look everyone uses a computer for messaging, banking, keeping in contact with families, gaming, and many other things. Cyber crime is presenting big problems for criminologists nowadays, 1.) it is rapidly evolving, new things being built every day. 2.) It is difficult to detect through law enforcement channels, 3.) planning or coordinating its control demands technical skills that match those of the perpetrators.…
Cyber-crime, is a serious matter, where crime can be committed immediately and the results can broaden with unbelievable swiftness. Numerous crimes are being committed over the Internet due to the increase in hackers. People are hacking into bank…
Crime can happen in many different ways. One of the most common areas is the use of the computer. According to Ronald B. Standler, there are three major classes of criminal activity with computers. The first way is unauthorized use of a computer, which might involve stealing a username and password, or might involve accessing the victim's computer via the Internet through a backdoor, operated by a Trojan Horse program. The second way is creating or releasing a malicious computer program (e.g., computer virus, worm, Trojan Horse). The third ways is harassment and stalking in cyberspace. Often time people are not properly educated on how to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of computer crimes. In this day and time we all need to take more responsibility to help protect our personal information when we are using the computer.…
The approaches for solving cyber-crime and helping the victims which should come from the government's controlling , Communities' and individuals' regulation and the development of Internet industry.…
Radon is a cancer-causing gas. It comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in soil, rock and water and gets into the air you breathe. These radioactive materials "decay" into lighter elements, emitting energetic sub-atomic particles in the process, and one of those lighter elements is Radon. Since radon is a noble gas, it is chemically inert and doesn 't stay bound in the solid the way it 's parent did. It diffuses right through solids and ends up floating freely in the air. Being a noble gas, radon is fairly harmless, itself. You breathe in some radon with every breath but then you breathe it right back out, since it isn 't chemically active or electrically charged. But radon has a short half-life of only about four days, meaning that about half of it will decay within four days, producing new, even lighter radioactive isotopes of other elements like polonium, lead, and bismuth. Those isotopes keep decaying, until a stable isotope of lead is reached. These radon "daughters" are not noble gasses like radon, they are usually ionized when they are produced, and they will readily stick to anything nearby, like healthy lung tissue. They typically have an even shorter half-life than radon and quickly decay inside the lung, kicking out energetic alpha and beta particles that can cause tissue damage and potentially trigger lung cancer. This unfortunate chain of events is due to the decay chain including a noble gas. Radon gas is considered to be the second leading cause of lung cancer.…
To study whether the duration of unemployment is strongly influenced by the level of education by analyzing the transition process from school to work.…
Dr. Jami Goetz, Director of the Office of Professional Services and Educator Licensing for CDE, stated that she is not impressed with the induction programs for principals in our state. She has been in direct contact with both the Colorado Educations Association (CEA) and the Colorado Association of Superintendents of Education (CASE) about proposing a ‘clean-up’ bill for induction programs and then to review the Educator Licensing rules and bring them into line with the state statute. She added that she feels that the reason for IP’s not being impressive is due to the lack of clarity in the state statute and state rule. She does agree that with the revision to the template/forms for applying for an approval of an induction program are very clear regarding the expectations (Dr. Jami Goetz, personal communication, August 1, 2008). I feel that the expectations are lacking on both ends of the spectrum and the non-negotiable accountability piece needs to be in place and conducted with reliability, faithfulness and consistency across the state of Colorado.…