International study is a very common thing nowadays , students tend to study abroad for different reasons. The United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US) are the most popular countries where students prefer to study. Lebcir, Wells and Bond (2008) claim that 'International students constitute an important part of university life in the United Kingdom (UK).Most universities in the UK have a considerable fraction of their students from overseas.' therefore this study indicates that students from overseas have their effect on the country that they are studying in it. Yet, studying abroad can affect on the student's academic performance or on their lifestyle in the country that they are studying in. Therefore this essay will discuss the most common three problems that overseas students face when they study in the United Kingdom which are academic, cultural and education problems . Also it will show some possible solutions for these problems and they will be evaluated . The United Kingdom offers one of the best education experiences, therefore many students tend to study there. On the other hand, international students in the United Kingßdom suffer from many problems that affects them while they are studying, in particular they mostly suffer from common problems, specifically academic, cultural and social ones, as Gu, Schweisfurth and Day (2010) argues ' The survey provided a baseline description of the sample students’ purposes for their overseas studies, expectations and initial impressions and a range of personal, social and academic challenges' . Firstly, one of the most important effects of studying abroad is the academic performance. As Lebcir, Wells and Bond (2008) indicate that the academic performance is defined as how students do in their exams , course work or even their dissertations . Studying abroad will show
International study is a very common thing nowadays , students tend to study abroad for different reasons. The United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US) are the most popular countries where students prefer to study. Lebcir, Wells and Bond (2008) claim that 'International students constitute an important part of university life in the United Kingdom (UK).Most universities in the UK have a considerable fraction of their students from overseas.' therefore this study indicates that students from overseas have their effect on the country that they are studying in it. Yet, studying abroad can affect on the student's academic performance or on their lifestyle in the country that they are studying in. Therefore this essay will discuss the most common three problems that overseas students face when they study in the United Kingdom which are academic, cultural and education problems . Also it will show some possible solutions for these problems and they will be evaluated . The United Kingdom offers one of the best education experiences, therefore many students tend to study there. On the other hand, international students in the United Kingßdom suffer from many problems that affects them while they are studying, in particular they mostly suffer from common problems, specifically academic, cultural and social ones, as Gu, Schweisfurth and Day (2010) argues ' The survey provided a baseline description of the sample students’ purposes for their overseas studies, expectations and initial impressions and a range of personal, social and academic challenges' . Firstly, one of the most important effects of studying abroad is the academic performance. As Lebcir, Wells and Bond (2008) indicate that the academic performance is defined as how students do in their exams , course work or even their dissertations . Studying abroad will show