Financial Management
(*) means question is repetitive
(**) means question is very important
Scope and Objectives of Financial management
Q1:- Functions of finance manager.
Q2:- (*) Discuss the functions of chief financial officer.
Q3:- Inter-relationship between investment, financing and dividend decisions.
Q4:- (**) Explain as to how the wealth maximization objective is superior to the profit maximization objective. Q5:- (*) Explain the limitation of profit maximization principle of the firm.
Q6:- Discuss the changing scenario of Financial management in India.
Q7:- Difference between Financial Management and financial accounting.
Financial Analysis & planning
Q1:- Distinguish between fund flow statement and cash flow statement.
Q9:- Explain the limitations financial ratios.
Q2:- Discuss any three ratios computed for investment analysis
Q3:- Discuss the financial ratio for evaluating company performance on operating efficiency and liquidity position aspects.
Q4:- (*) Explain the need of debt-service coverage ratio.
Q5:- What is quick ratio? What does it signify?
Q8:- How is return on capital employed calculated? What is its significant?
Q6:- What do you mean by stock turnover ratio and gearing ratio?
Q7:- (*) Diagrammatically present the DU PONT chart to calculate return on equity.
Concept of Working Capital
[No theory question have been asked]
9811682345, 9910209995
Cash/ Treasury management
Q1:- Write short note on Followings
(a) (*)Different kinds of float with reference to management of cash.
(b) (*)William J Baumal vs. Miller-Orr cash management model
(c) (**) Function of treasury department.
(d) Concentration banking
(e) Lock Box system
Management of Receivables
Q1:- Write short note on the following :
Commercial paper
Deep discount bond vs. Zero coupon bonds
Q2:- Briefly explain the meaning and importance of crediting