Reviewed and Reformed by Prof (Dr) Durga Prasad Sharma
Department of Computer Science and IT
Guideline for Senior Project
Real life project is an essential part of the university curriculum for the students of B.Sc
Computer Science and IT to give them soul sentity of the technology. Following guidelines are designed for the students of Computer Science and IT for their final year project work. It will serve for uniformity and consistency in project proposals and main project writing by the target students. 1. Format or writing style in Final Year “ Senior Project”
Paper size and margins
Use A-4 paper (8 1/2 x 11”) and 2.5 cm for all margins of the manuscripts
Line and paragraph spacing
Use 1.5 spacing for the body of the text, except for tables and references, where you need to use single line spacing. Do not indent paragraphs but use block typing and no need of background effects. Alignment of the text is essential.
Font type and font size
Capitalize only the first letter of each word, excluding common words in the title and make its font 16 and Bold. The common words are prepositions, conjunctions or connectives (such as: of, in, a, and, or, etc.)
Example 1: Title & Font size
Financial Management System for AMU (This in an example)
Capitalize only the first letter of the main heading and make its font size 16 and bold as above. Example 2: Subheading and Font size
Chapter One
Capitalize only the first letter of the subheading and make its font size 14 and bold as above. Example 3: Sub-subheading
Network Security
If there is a sub-subheading, capitalize only the first letter and make it italic with a font size of 12 without bolding as above.
2. References or Bibliography , Webliography
Final Year Senior Project guidelines
Reviewed and Reformed by Prof (Dr) Durga