From: Parwin Kargar, Accounts Payable
CC: Tai Shigeta, CEO Assistant
Date: November 16, 2011
Subject: Proposal for Cross Training Employees
Attached is my proposal to cross train Nakai Internationals employees. Cross training is training an employee to do a different part of the organization's work. Training worker A to do the task that worker B does and training B to do A's task is cross training. My proposal is about the benefits from cross training, how to cross train, challenges that may occur, and how to prevent negative results.
Cross training will benefit the employer and the employee. It benefits the employee by job enlargement and job enrichment. Cross training will challenge the employee and in result will prevent them from being bored. Employees will learn to help each other when it’s busy.
Employees will learn how to work as a team. Employees will understand when the other employees may need help and offer to help. Employees can cover the other employee’s job instead of leaving the work for the employee to do the next day when the employee returns back to work. This will help Nakai operate without interruptions. It helps the employee by preventing the work overload when the employee returns back to work as well.
My proposal includes steps that should be taken when cross training employees. To reap the benefits and avoid the negative effects, a cross-training program must be carefully developed. A poorly managed program can result in less productivity, dissatisfied customers and possibly even costly mistakes. I look forward to working with you on cross training Nakai International employees.
Cross training
Nakai International employees
Prepared for
Mr. Yamada CEO of Nakai International
Prepared by
Parwin Kargar Accounts Payable
November 16, 2011
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