Fall 2014
Introduction to Individual Differences
Monday, Wednesday 4:00-5:15pm, Vincent Hall 16
Office Hours:
Bridget Carey carey194@umn.edu Mondays, 2:00-3:00pm, N234 Elliott Hall
Teaching Assistants:
Gretchen Saunders & Adam Beaupre saund247@umn.edu, beau0210@umn.edu
The course website is on Moodle and can be accessed from your my course page or by logging in at www.ay14.moodle.umn.edu. Announcements, course readings, lecture slides, and other information will be communicated through the website.
Course Description
This course will introduce students to current concepts in and research on individual differences.
Students will be introduced to the study of individual differences in psychology, covering concepts and research on the topics of intelligence, personality, attitudes, and interests. It will include materials on: 1) research methods and measurement of differences, 2) structure and distribution of the traits we use to describe individuals (including group differences), 3) what is known about the cause of differences, and 4) why we care about differences. By the end of the semester, you should be able to describe what individual differences are, how we measure them, and why we care about them. Hopefully your interest will be piqued in such subjects as creativity, intelligence, and the basis of religious and political attitudes.
Personality and Individual Differences, Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic 2nd Edition ISBN: 978-1-40519927-8
Additional Readings
In addition to the chapters in the textbook, journal articles will be assigned throughout the semester. These articles will generally be between 5-20 pages. They will be discussed in class and will be represented on the exams. All journal articles will be available on Moodle.
Note: For this course, the intro/background and the discussion/conclusion sections will be the most important. Don’t