Kameel Jiwa (V00716435)
TA : Julia Bareman
Canadian Politics 101
March 11th, 2010
Quebec has played a very influential role throughout Canadian history; it was the initial site where French settlers founded the colony of New France, which later became Canada, in the 1600s and 1700s. Its history has taken a relatively different path from the rest of Canada, which has lead to the highly controversial issue of Quebec’s attempt to separate from Canada and become their own country. There are many Quebecers who believe separating from Canada could be extremely beneficial, while there are others who believe that Quebec would not last as its own country. For the Quebecers there are many pros and cons for dividing themselves from Canada, one of the pros being Quebec having its own independence as a French speaking nation, and one major con being having twenty-five percent of Canada’s debt put on them. The argument to be made is that Quebecers are divided on seeking independence from Canada because firstly, they want their own independence, Secondly they want to be a unilingual nation and maintain there unique culture for as long as possible, and Thirdly they want more power.
If Quebec were to attain there own independence not much would change other than the fact that the stress of being an independent country would be put on them. Quebec in itself is essentially already like a foreign country with its own language, culture and civil law. The French in Quebec prefer their own language by far, quite frankly they do not even like the English language. Even the Quebecers who voted no in the referendum are not true federalists. They are motivated only by fear of change. Although there are many clear pros for the French nation to separate, there are underlying cons that will in turn be the demise of the country. Canada has a large debt of over one hundred and fifty billion dollars of which twenty five percent belongs solely to Quebec.